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I suck at platformers and almost gave up with this, but glad I didn't and just "got good"; well, not that good, but enough to enjoy the game. My first 5 stars in the Style category and well-deserved, it all felt really well polished, thematically cohesive and topped off with a late-night lounge version of Deck The Halls!

Like others have said, I think the very beginning could have been made clearer, though the wrap-around is clever and well implemented. Additionally, I wonder if the grey platforms could have been permanent, to act as "safe spaces" for the player - almost like a checkpoint; there would then be room throughout the game to introduce new surfaces that were less safe - slippery ice blocks, or ones that fall after a few seconds of shaking etc.

Great job overall though, and my penguin, like my game development aspirations, never really got much off the ground haha.