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Sidd is probably level 10+
That guy can beat anyone's ass to a pulp, he just needs more confidence in himself.


Can't wait to see more lore about that guy who looks like him (forgot his name ^^'). I think he might be his biological father.

the who???? did i miss an entire scene on my playthrough

Pfft! Well, it's just the orca guy remembering him after fighting Sidd in the arena. (if I remember correctly, since it's been about a year since I played it)

ohh HIM

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It's his biological mother that shirokoi drew too masculine.


i thought it was his mom just i did not remeber

Well shit... Thanks for clarifying. I'm too gay to see boobs


I didn't notice anything myself. Just saw Shirokoi mentioning it.


I was tasked with drawing a hot woman and I think I succeeded 👍 


You did not disappoint some of us lol you confused us with the orca flash back thinking it was the father of sidd that fought the same orca before sidd did

In a way, yes, very much. We cannot complain, heh.
Also, can't wait to build a harem and taste every cake *perverted gay laughter*


if you mean the flashback with the orca pirate guy, that was actually his mother

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I'm not an expert in DnD, but I doubt he would be level 10. He just started being an adventurer and has no weapon training. If anything, he is probably level 1 by default