played for longer than i expected! i don't usually stick with factory style games. i understood the way to progress immediately and was not too surprised throughout the game.
i think what will stick with me is that initial experience of having to scroll, scroll, scroll down to the smallest scale from the largest. it was a long enough scroll that i almost did not go far enough, but eventually i did.
there is also something here which i recognized but is not totally common in factory games, which is the way each layer feeds into the one above it. i enjoyed that part of the system, but ultimately lost my love with it due to its relatively rote re-use.
finally. i suppose that the unusual control scheme deserves some recognition. it's experimental and it basically works but is somewhat unpolished. things that i would find easier in other games are quite awkward in this game. i am not sure how to describe the full breadth of this awkwardness. i don't think that i personally took much from this experiment, but it's always possible for an experiment to highlight a more interesting way forward for a genre. (not that every experiment must lead to innovation - but i would like to note that i don't think it really spoke to me of the other themes of the game either.)