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Hi, I want to know how to unlock Wolf's CG, I have basically checked all the options and still can't trigger.

I think I explained that in the comments before here, so it must be somewhere if you scroll down a little.

I'm really sorry, I almost flipped to the review from a year ago but I still didn't see the Wolf CG unlock, can you say it again for me? I'm really sorry and thank you

Possibly spoilers if anyone wants to avoid those.

Basically just hang around with Wolf as much as possible without being annoying (this is important), if you've done that just make sure to to save before (!) playing hazard with Julian and Wolf because you have to win and the winning part is rng so it might take a few reloads, after you've won and you're presented with the choice to ask a favor of Wolf just go with "You must have some... fun stories. Very intimate ones." and after that go with "Maybe you can tell me in private?", next choice go with "You try to find Wolf so that you can make good on your suggestion to mend his shirt." and that's basically it.