I totally agree with everything specially with the intro animation! But you can just read my answer to the other comment about that. We planned to have more particles and screen shake every time the player hit someone but we run into a huge issue with unreal engine that
basically disabled WASD movement and we had to make a whole other system last second, so we miss a lot of the " JUICE™ ".
The LvLs where also kind of rushed and the "funny" thing is that lvl 7 was supposed to be the last lvl, but the main developer of the game didnt have time to change the order. And i totally agree that the lvls dont really use much of the scaling feature expect for a couple of lvls, this was our first ever game jam so we where kind of bad with time management, specially with the whole wasd movement issue. Also the projectile can be helpful at higher lvl play, if you want to optimize dmg, but you dont need it at all in casual play sadly.
Btw if you want to see the whole game, i have a video of an awful speedrun i did :
One last thing, the animation was made a while ago for or other games, so we thankfully didnt lose any time on that, but the developer added it last second and didnt make it skippable due to time.