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Hey, so I'm a new mod user - for pretty much anything in general - so i was wondering if you could give me a step-by-step on how to do - what is most likely - the most basic stuff when it comes to adding mods to this game. As in, i know next to nothing about modding anything, let alone on PC, and even less when it comes to script and stuff.

so, in short; could you give me a 'beginner's guide to Modding SFP with Aric's Expansion Rebred' please? Word it as though you're trying to show a four year old how to do it.

a very slow four year old. 

FuturPlanet made a very easy to follow YouTube video that will guide you step by step through the process. They have steps to install RandomPortraits and an Image Pack as well (which you may or may not need, but they are nice additions). Please toss them a like/subscribe if the video helps!