Hi, I’m running into a number of issues on Windows (running in a Sandbox):
- It complains upon unzipping that some files can’t be unzipped (due to encryption?)
- It doesn’t start up because “data/config/times.ttf” cannot be found. When I supply my own font at that path, it starts…
- … However it only gets as far as the tutorial screen (Press W/Up to jump) before spamming me in the console about missing assets and not proceeding further (tried to mash all kinds of buttons).
The error: Failed to load image “data/roomdat/walltemp.png”. Reason: Unable to open file Failed to load image “”. Reason: Unable to open file
The unzipped folder structure: | GMTK2024.exe | GMTK2024.iobj | GMTK2024.ipdb | GMTK2024.pdb | openal32.dll | sfml-audio-2.dll | sfml-graphics-2.dll | sfml-network-2.dll | sfml-system-2.dll | sfml-window-2.dll | -–data | Heroicon.png | Sarahico.png | Thumbs.db | Thumbs.db_encryptable