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I preffer the long games because yeah it takes some  2 3 months to make but  at least you have more mecanics , its more polished more characters , a better story or plot more animations and many more activities and other mechanics that will  make the game better.  I like the small games to especialty this little idea with cctv it will be fun , maybe the small games plan will be good when you don't have in mind a big plot for the story so that will make the game longer or just want to do something that you want quickly to see if you like the idea like a full game but it short and it will be like a demo to see if people love the game , then maybe you can make the same game but bigger and more improved with other things. EX ( you make a game that its short but its fully made and its has a ending, then you see that the people likes so much the game that you think to expand the game like more endings more characters more mechanics and other things , thats what i m trying to say)