It has been released on his patreon now
Recent community posts
i love the shower scene where he pressed karen with the face to the wall and he kinda pulls karen ass wide a little so that he could fuck her, you should try to make more this positions like where the mc trys to fuck the woman and if he doesn't have enough { lets say relationsship} he can't fuck her , similar to the bed massage scen
I preffer the long games because yeah it takes some 2 3 months to make but at least you have more mecanics , its more polished more characters , a better story or plot more animations and many more activities and other mechanics that will make the game better. I like the small games to especialty this little idea with cctv it will be fun , maybe the small games plan will be good when you don't have in mind a big plot for the story so that will make the game longer or just want to do something that you want quickly to see if you like the idea like a full game but it short and it will be like a demo to see if people love the game , then maybe you can make the same game but bigger and more improved with other things. EX ( you make a game that its short but its fully made and its has a ending, then you see that the people likes so much the game that you think to expand the game like more endings more characters more mechanics and other things , thats what i m trying to say)
I think we can finally say that the HouseWife finnaly got replaced from the 1 place to the 2 place ,this game is simply amazing with lots of new scens, activitys,mechanics, ideas and we can fully see how much work Retsy put on this game God bless you man , you really didn't hold back with this one, this is trully your most amazing game so far , hope to see more projects like this one where you put more time and ideas that you like into your games and don't rush then , this is the exemple of a not rushed game and fully maxed with ideas and mechanics
You are amazing man keep it up you are talented
First get joyplay latest version, then joiplay will ask you to have something like ACE for it to run , install what it tells you then try to get the game running again and it will tell you to choose the ace folder so it can run the games( newer joiplay update do not run the game on joiplay it opens a diffrent app to run it)
Fucking amazing ideea man, I would love to see more like refuge roadtrip, also i know that i retyms he changed a little this time with the game cause now you play as the boy and not the mother so thats something diffrent so that he can easy to take the first games and change the story a little bit but now you play ass the boy (more easy to say than to do) But lets leave the master to cook
i love to see more conections between the characters from your diffrent games ,EX. like you see the anna and tom in the bus in curently divorced,i love that but i will way cool to actually interact with them if possible ,also i love how you find somehow or stumble upon a video of diffrent mcs from the other games
Hey man i loved the game,but can we get the old ghraphics back ,i loved this new style for this like you add new concepts to every game ,also can we get more groping or teasing or son or mom sleeping groping or something like that, also i saw a comment when someone say to get a dog ,that would be cool
Also i loved that its was grindy not straight to scenes ,you need to play a little and have to think of action so you could get scenes or you could fail or get something else ,and you can play its multiple time because of diffrent endings, also the chores were good for think what you should ,and the animations are great,especialy when sometimes he cant properly penetrate i fucking loved you putted a lot of hard work and love in this game also in the other one