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Alright, I've got a few questions that'll factor into balance changes.

What tier walls did you have?

How often would you say you had to check on/health your defenses?

Did you have any of the other two types of defensive building, or just turrets? If yes how effective were they?

Were your defenses built close to the edge of a cliff?

(1 edit) (+1)

1. Energy walls

2. fairy often, so they wouldn't go kaboom from practically lag-spiking times before slimes spawned more

3. I had teir 3 lazer turrets spaced with power supplies between them and some energy walls, even with the better damage dealers, but they barely can kill a single brown/red/purple slime without aid from my drone (I main Dax but I doubt that should matter for this.)

4. no, but I did have a two-miner set up by a slime nest with defenses that worked until enough slimes to entirely destroy all the stuff I had there spawned. also, it takes what feels like HOURS to kill a spawn of red slimes with the drones. (even with lazer turrets, I am taking around 5 minutes or so with my max-level done to kill those red slimes. at least my lazer turrets kill the adds that all those red slimes stacked onto eachother spew.)

also, sorry for replying later than I should have. ;-;