It was hard to understand what was going on.
I am writing this so you can see how some people might intrepret the game (idk if it is right or wrong).: So, as for now I understood that the thing from which I spawn in is the place to were I need to carry the crumbs. Then are red and normal ant hills. Red ant hills either reduce my army or decrease the number of crumbs I have (I could not quite notice it). The normal hills increase my army by 5. Then I can carry as much crumbs as my army. But then my army decreases for some reason at random points of time. Also there is a red ant, which kills me. But this ant acts strange and sometimes if I just stand in front of it, it does nothing
After some time, I roughly understood the game. I see the fun in being stronger and stronger over time. Maybe would like the process of being stronger be more impactful. And of course more veriety in the gameplay (but I understand that here time was limited)
Overall, game works as a concept