It was hard to understand what was going on.
I am writing this so you can see how some people might intrepret the game (idk if it is right or wrong).: So, as for now I understood that the thing from which I spawn in is the place to were I need to carry the crumbs. Then are red and normal ant hills. Red ant hills either reduce my army or decrease the number of crumbs I have (I could not quite notice it). The normal hills increase my army by 5. Then I can carry as much crumbs as my army. But then my army decreases for some reason at random points of time. Also there is a red ant, which kills me. But this ant acts strange and sometimes if I just stand in front of it, it does nothing
After some time, I roughly understood the game. I see the fun in being stronger and stronger over time. Maybe would like the process of being stronger be more impactful. And of course more veriety in the gameplay (but I understand that here time was limited)
Overall, game works as a concept
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Actually fun. Would like to see more interactions with the environment (like pushing more things or breaking something).
Being able to look up is really lacking
Also, I noticed that almost always I was just the clay ball. Making the stone ball have more power to push things would be nice as well
Overall, as for the game made in 48 hours ,it is amazing. And the gameplay has something really attractive into it
Ops. I spent like 5 minutes figuring out how to complete the tutorial. I was trying to go to the same place to which the ship on the animation/gif was going. And I was thinking about some combos that I need to do (like first do to the one station (or what it is, then to the other). I think using this animation/gif was really good and professional, but some words in the tutorial would be nice as well
Also, I did not peak up on the space to refuel and a first was really struggling because of that. So had to look at controls on the game page
I enejoyed keeping the balance between having enough fuel and bringing it to the station. Also getting smaller to go through small gaps feels amazing (though little buggy). And going fast while your are small is even better. However, I noticed that fuel consumption depends only on distance your travel (or something similar), so there is some kind of punishment to go fast.
Because of that a lot of the time it was more like: I first do not move, and select my destination, then get smaller for a short period and get to the place, then repeat. I would like to have more of an almost always going fast or making long travels while your are small and then getting bigger
The animation of the repaired station (or what was it) at the end was epic
So, tutorial could be clearer, but both the game idea and implementation are great
Feels really relaxing to play, which I liked. You do not have to think a lot or really far, but sometimes still need to be clever and notice some patterns
Snap sound is good
Controls were good, I did not have any troubles with doing what I planned
Tutorial right inside the level, other than in a separate tab would be nice
Also there is a problem: when there are too many overlapping boxes, it is not clear from the visuals what is going on (I saw that you tried to make it better with highlighting the current box, which helped indeed)
Overall, enjoyed the game
I enjoyed it. A little bit less text would be great (and post processing kinda makes it hard to read along the edges).
I liked the most the level with 4 portals (one that is on the second image of your itch page). I don't know if i solved it the intended way: i made Rand bounce between portals and then pushed it with a character to fly in the direction of the finish. If it is the way to solve it i think you should better indicate that you can't complete the level just be pushing the robot with the right amount of power (maybe be removing the lower jump pad).
Flying clouds are super cool, just wish that they didn't restart when the level is restarted.
And i didn't really liked how in a lot of levels you don't even have to think, just push Rand forward once. Also sometimes you need to push the robot with super precision so it will not overshoot but will jump over gaps. And for me it was frustrating.
It was brutally honest, just wanted to give useful feedback. I know that it was a game jam entry, so with this small amount of time you had you have created a cool game.
Yeah, the arena is too big so it's hard to know where your enemies are. And i don' really like shooting mechanic. I think it was the recoil after you shot, and it is too strong. Maybe could be used as a dashing mechanic, but it is not really pleasent to use. And more feedback on shooting distance is much needed
Other than that, concept is amazing. Cool that you choose targets depending on whether the robot will hit it it its next turn. And some moments where you need to dodge robot attacks is keeping you on your toes. You nicely show what the robot will do next. The visuals were very simple, but i loved how the robot turned out
Yeah, camera is a bit wonky, but i still can press buttons
AI voice is so good. And all interaction with the AI is cool. But i don't understand how finding creatures in durkness would fit taking care of the AI, pleasing it's need and listening it's talk. I wish there were more about the AI and less about darkness and these creatures
If you don't know how to fix the camera, look at rts games. There the camera moves only when your mouse is at the edge of the screen
I don't actually know anything about GameMaker but right in the first level i have that error that won't let me go futher (i tried reloading the game, but it happens every time). If i'm doing something wrong, tell me
action number 1
of Step Event0
for object player:
Moving to previous room before the first room.
at gml_Object_player_Step_0
gml_Object_player_Step_0 (line -1)
First of all, it is a really cool and intresting idea to explore
But i so wish that i could kill every pusher and not only red one (even logically, how can pusher that pushes spikes at me be my friend)
For me game was too hard, actually only rotating platforms, but after one fail i have to restart... Be aware that i haven't complited the game writing this comment
I need some identification that the laser soon will be activated
Nice menu with all that sliding part. Only want buttons to highlight when mouse hovered on them
If i were better at platforming, i would enjoied game more, but even as i am i had some fun
At the beggining i was just trying to give the D.O.G as much apple as possible and was not thinking of trying to progress the level
The second level was hard, really hard. I was so frustrated while doing it. I think the D.O.G. jump to far, sometimes you don't see where it fill land so you can't predict jump trajectory right. I wish the game was easeir. I saw that there is some new mechanics with blackberry and different platforms but i, saddly, haven't compeleted the game to know all of them and really explore them
Sometimes apple were next to the edge of my screen so i couldn't pull them back to throw properly. Also there were part were i needed to throw apple up, but often in these cases i couldn't see a trajectory because it was out of the screen
I wish apple were bouncing off walls
Overall, concept is interesting and CUTE and if the game wasn't that hard i would enjoyed it
It was hard to figure out that i need to press on the raft button to build it. But after i realised that it was a gaming good experience for me. I think game was quite hard and i wish there were ckeckpoints. Visuals are not fantastic, but colors are good
I really felt like cooperating with someone. One was doing building and i was fighting. I want the AI to build more buildings like towers or walls
My experience playing this game:
After defeating first enemy i thought that all i need is to figre out what attack does more damage to a specifiec enemy and spam it. So i decided to go for a final enemy and test it. I was quickly defeated. But because end battle screen sad "great job" (or smth simular) i thought that i won. Than i went for other enemy, sign sad that again. So i thought that i am actually on the right with full hp and my enemy is constantly being destroyed (actually it was reversed). Than i saw that i have minus amount of health, bought some health fill and ended up with minus amount of money. Than i finally figured out what was actually going on and completed the game properly
But when i bought range potions they was swapped with melee potions in the battle screen and i wasn't able to use neether melee or range potions
I think after fixind bugs and making all a bit clearer i would be nice complicated game.
I wish that boring text like someone made some amount of damage where separeted with more interesting messeges so player could choose speed of these messages independently
And picking name is cool
It is a solid game: beautiful menu, ending, nice sounds, simple but cool graphics. However, i don't really like using dice just to display health. Most of the time i didn't pay attention to enemies health and even to my dices health. I expected the number of dots to control the abilities of the dice.