Nice relaxed presentation! Think it pairs nicely with the idea you're a horrendous growing infestation for some poor soul! The game definitely has that inherent appeal of exploring every nook and cranny of a mundane space and growing your legion of ants.
The most upfront issue with the game is the camera. I think it would've been better to let it freely turn (with a limit on pitch of course) and to enable backface culling so that you can still see your ant even when the camera is inside geometry. Letting the player move the camera closer to the ant would also have helped with awkward positioning. Personally I think it's better to give the player the ability to adjust for these kinds of things than to try and automate it, because then the player is fighting the camera, not controlling it. This would require playtesting but I wonder if keeping the camera vertical would also reduce issues and make the presentation more consistent?
The crawling tech is impressive, and I don't envy you implementing it in just 96 hours! Really like that you don't impose any arbitrary limitations and just let the player crawl everywhere! With that in mind, it does have trouble with corners, and I suspect part of the issue is that you seem to be using rigidbody collisions. Given that if the player moves into anything you want them to climb it and stick to the surface, I don't think these rigidbody physics are actually necessary for the game. It's an interesting technical problem, and it's impressive the game manages as well as it does! Definitely something I'll be mulling over.