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It was a cool experience, very creative use of the theme, visually/"soundly" it was very polished there's a lot of efforts put into it, loved the progression/evolution it has throuth the game. Gameplay wise, the character controller is really fun even if physics can be a bit hard to understant some times and also a visual element that could indicate the force/direction where the "cat" is going to be throwed would have been a cool addition.
My only complain is about the level design which is cool to experiement with that wierd (in the good way) controller but i think it didn't do it too much justice in term of posibilities, most of the time I felt like the "butt" was more a constraint that stop me while trying to progress. It's only near the end that I felt like I could used it at my advantage.
BUT despite that I really enjoyed playing it and it's obvious that a lot of care/effort was put into it as from sound, music, visuals to code and game design.

Great entry!