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A member registered Dec 31, 2018 · View creator page →

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awesome game
team really cooked hard asf

Thanks you so much, it mean a lot!!

Pero, el juego no es pensado para ser jugado en esta manera.

(Sorry for my Spanish, I used to speak some but it's been a while I haven't used it ^^)

It depend on what you want to do, one is the fangame with some kind of new campaign inspired by what could have been before Katana ZERO, the other is for level creation (but it also contain a small very hard new level focused on the new element of the editor)

Yoo, first thanks!
You just need to unconnect your gamepad or anything that your pc would detect has it (that's why the game is being set has controlled with gamepad...)


That's because as it is a fangame, it's not an .exe approved by Window, you just need to click on "run anyway".
Have fun!

Not for now unfortunately, but I know there is some kind of "Window emulator" that can play it.

It isn't, that's because as it is a fangame, it's not an .exe approved by Window, you just need to click on "run anyway".

Hope you'll have fun!

Thank you so much ^^ !!
(it mean a lot for me)

haha thanks!
But the game is currently in break and there's nothing planned for the moment.
But who know's, maybe one day (i hope)!

Sorry, maybe try this link (it's available 7 days only because of Wetransfer)

Yeah I'm aware of that, maybe I'll fix it one day (the project is currently in break) but thanks for your feedback.

I'll check that!
(I didn't tested that much the gamepad...)

Haha yes, I really wanned to finish it with a cool last update!
(it will be on break for a while)

This ... is perfect lmao
It's funny, it fit the theme so well and fun to play!

Please make a full game from this idea.

Really cool concept!  It was a bit hard to understand at first but when you get it, the combos are really satisfying!

Very cool game!! 
Quite challenging, but really satisfying when you've finished a level!

Best concept I've found on this jam so far, the level design is top tier, a bit hard to figure out at first but when you've understand it, it show how well thinked the game is, each new mecanic are simple but are well used to create new situations.

The only thingh that could be imporved are the visuals.


Kinda hard but really funny (especially with the music)! 
Overhaul it's a cool game!

Fun and creative idea!

Thanks a lot!
Yeah this puzzle really need an upgrade ... we'll try to fix that in post jam!

Thanks a lot for your very long review!!
We'll try to update the game in post jam to fix all theses issues.
For the room with wall, you need to enter it from the good side to press the buttons which will destroy the dominos that have the same number (we know it's not well explained at all, apologizes us...)

Thank you again for your review ^^

Great idea!!

I laughed a lot! (especially when you discover the picture)

That was fun, it was a bit hard to understand at first but when you start understand it it's a really good puzzle game!
Great entry!!

Wow super concept, it fit really well, I love it!!
Super funny!


Sorry but it's not planned for the moment...

Maybe one day I'll try but it's already hard to control on pc... 


If you can't aim it's because you may have a gamepad connected which stop the mouse and leave the aim to the right stick of the gamepad. 

I hope this might help you ^^

OK that simple, it's because you have a controller connected so the game has switch to controller mode and stop the mouse to leave the full control for the gamepad, sorry for this inconvenient 😅

I hope you'll have fun if you give us a second chance ^^

That was SO fun, a lots of ideas, really funny jokes (especially when you're french) due to the many hidden details! Congratulations to the whole team!!

Très très fun, avec beaucoup d'idées, se diversifi au fur à mesure, des blagues très sympas notamment du aux nombreux détails cachés !
Félicitation à toute l'équipe !!

Thanks ^^ !!

This is amazing !!!

Merci bcp !!!

Merci !!!

Super satisfaisant !!
Le level design est vraiment bon, juste les mouvements du perso un peu lent qui font bizarre au début mais sinon c parfait on s'y fait vite !

Merci !!
C'était un plaisir de regarder la redif du live !

J'adore le style Atari !
L'ambiance arcade est là, le problème est que le gameplay est assez mou et assez sévère.
Si les hit boxes sont plus petites et que la luminosité s'affiche plus vite y a moyen de faire un truc vriament cool !

Il est génial !!
Je suis trop fan de ce genre de méchanique !!
Juste dommage que le thème ne soit pas trop utilisé.
Mais bon 14/15 quand même !!!

Le jeu est super !!
Y a vraiment du potentiel !!

Un DA qui déchire, cependant le jeu manque de pas mal de feedback, le gameplay est plutot mou (rendre le jeu plus nerveux est plus rapide surtout pour les tires) si ces problèmes sont réglés je suis sure que le jeu peut vraiment être genial !!