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Thank you!
The enemies collecting torches was added to create some variation in the fighting, and make the game last longer, as you can distract enemies making it easier to survive early on, but it also makes it harder to fill up the entire map with light.  I can see how this is a bit frustrating though.  Originally the game was just going to have a high score based on how many waves you survived, I added the ability to win by lighting up the entire map later on, so less thought went into that.  Also because I was doing all the playtesting while I built the game, I developed a strategy which made it feel easier for me than it would for a new player.  By focusing on killing enemies for 5 or 6 waves, and then killing all but one enemy who doesn't pick up torches, you can fill the entire map and then kill the final one to win.  
For the attacks I agree too, I will push a small update once the jam is over, just enabling you to hold down the mouse button instead of having to spam it.

Thanks again for you feedback!