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A jam submission

Make It Light! - Wild Jam 72View game page

Submitted by michld — 8 hours, 25 minutes before the deadline
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Make It Light! - Wild Jam 72's page


CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score

Ranked from 11 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Godot Version

Wildcards Used
Curses, What the Duck

Game Description
Kill enemies and collect torches. Enemies spawn in waves increasing in number, but lighting up the map reduces the number again. When no enemies can spawn then you win!

How does your game tie into the theme?
By using light as a core mechanic - enemies spawn in dark, players aim to prevent that by lighting up the map.


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Participation Level (GWJ Only)

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You have an interesting concept here!
However, I didn't quite understand why the enemies collect the placed torches. Also, I think automated attacks could make the game feel more fluid.

Still, this is a very impressive first jam entry—congratulations!

Kind regard!


Thank you!
The enemies collecting torches was added to create some variation in the fighting, and make the game last longer, as you can distract enemies making it easier to survive early on, but it also makes it harder to fill up the entire map with light.  I can see how this is a bit frustrating though.  Originally the game was just going to have a high score based on how many waves you survived, I added the ability to win by lighting up the entire map later on, so less thought went into that.  Also because I was doing all the playtesting while I built the game, I developed a strategy which made it feel easier for me than it would for a new player.  By focusing on killing enemies for 5 or 6 waves, and then killing all but one enemy who doesn't pick up torches, you can fill the entire map and then kill the final one to win.  
For the attacks I agree too, I will push a small update once the jam is over, just enabling you to hold down the mouse button instead of having to spam it.

Thanks again for you feedback!


Great first jam entry!  I thought things were broken sometimes till I realized you had to click an enemy for the attack , since it's an AOE I figured clicking at all activated it.  With the enemies picking up torches, I'm not sure how to actually reduce the spawns.


Thank you!

Yes I see that was not very intuitive.  I added the circular attack animation when I added a range limit to the click attack, just to indicate how close to the player the enemy had to be, but I should have made a linear one which went in the direction of the mouse.  

The strategy is to use as few torches as you can until you have over 100, then you can keep one enemy trailing behind you and light up the map before starting the next wave, this way there won't be any spawnable places and you will win

Thanks again for your feedback!


If the attacks were automatic, I wouldn't mind that much the current enemy HP, but I think they take way to many clicks to die and it doesn't feel right. That being said, this is a very nice game, good job :)


Thank you for your feedback!

I agree spamming the mouse quickly gets tiring!  Once the jam is over I will push a small update just to allow you to hold down the mouse button instead of having to spam it!  Thanks!


This was fun, but I don’t think I have the skill or patience to win. I would often accidentally use the health potion and reset all my progress so being able to rebind the controls would have really been great. I also found myself running right up to the edge of the screen and had zero vision of where I was going. I did love the art and the whole concept in general…I am just not good at playing it. xD


Thanks you!

The health potion was of course inspired by the "curses" wildcard, I would have made it not affect the torches, and just act as a reward for completing a wave, if I hadn't been trying to fit in with that!

As for rebinding controls, I am sure there is an easy way to do that and I certainly agree it would be a good feature, but I was unsure how to do that while the game was running, as I set up the controls using the "input map" tab in the project settings.

As I did all the playtesting myself I knew what the map looked like, but I can understand as a new player that that could be an issue, in the future I might show the full map when the game starts and then zoom in to the player, or even show a minimap on the HUD.

Thanks for your feedback!


I really like the mechanics you have implemented here. They are very clever. I kinda wish the attacks were automatic though. I have to spam left click which doesn't feel great. I really like the presentation though. Well done, especially for a solo project and your first jam!


Thank you!

Once the jam is over I will push a small update that allows you to hold left click instead of having to spam it!

Thank you for your feedback!