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Oh my god that character's expression. lol

Pretty cool idea, I like how the puzzle component and platforming are integrated.

I felt the control is a bit wonky but overall, it's a pretty neat game :)


Thanks for playing! I'm glad you enjoyed the idea. I've gotten a lot of feedback mostly regarding issues with the wonkiness, may I ask for more info on what you found to be janky? I'm considering polishing up the game a bit once voting ends, so I want to know what to focus on. Thanks!

(1 edit)

OK, I'll try my best.

I honestly like the mechanism of this game. So naturally, I would like to use it without hassling. While I think the individual actions are pretty well crafted (e.g. throwing, double jump, etc), I always get stuck between the transition of each action. Remembering which button does which was a bit puzzling enough. And don't get me wrong, this is likely MY issue of not being good at handling the ASDW key input. So, considering there could be more people like me, it might be a better idea to introduce one mechanism per stage. First, move, second, throw, third, double jump... so on and so forth.

Also, I found a small bug in the title screen where you can actually fall off the left side by accident. I was trying to get used to the control and accidentally threw the machine piece, then I fell off as I chased it.

Once again, I think it's a cool idea and I admire you trying to polish it further. Good luck! I hope this feedback helps you somehow :)

Aha, yeah I think I know what you mean. Definitely something to prioritize, thanks for the feedback. As for the inputs, I definitely thought I was clever by reducing the number of inputs by just using W and S for throwing, since they did nothing otherwise, but it would definitely be a good idea to include alternative controls. And I fully agree, unfortunately the deadline's biggest impact on the game was the fact that we didn't have the chance to make any levels. The one level in the game was haphazardly thrown together the day the jam ended and definitely leaves a lot to be desired in terms of pacing, etc. The plan is definitely to have the introduction of new mechanics be spread out over the course of ~8 levels or so. Thanks so much for your feedback, I really appreciate you taking the time to draft up all your thoughts! (And apologies for the delay in my response)

And yeah, the main menu thing was kinda on purpose, though it didn't work out as intended. The plan was to have the player walking left act as a "Quit Game" button, but because WebGL games cant' be quit it just kinda looks like the game's bugged 😅 I promise it's cool on standalone builds tho lol. Definitely didn't consider that a machine piece could get thrown over there though, so that's also an excellent catch, thanks so much!