12 rounds, 2000 pts, 136 tiles. Unsure if that's a good or bad score, but I'm seeing others with higher, so I'm not sure what affects score.
Congrats on finishing your game! Only 10 hours? Good on you, but I'd love to see what you could do with a bit more time :)
I really liked the puzzle aspects of this game. Trying to optimize the network and reuse roads was really satisfying. It would be neat to see how long I could go, or flesh out this system with traffic signals, different types of vehicles, trains... so much you could do if you wanted to.
I think most of the feedback you'll get just comes from not having more time to spend on it. I spent quite a bit of time at the start of round 4 not realizing there was a car and goal spawned outside the view of my camera. Either starting fully zoomed or just making the total gamespace smaller would have been a better solution, maybe. And maybe a speed toggle so I could watch a level play out a little more quickly.
A solid little entry that I thoroughly enjoyed. Keep making games!