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I suppose I oughta link my own postmortem which answers some of these questions (don't read it till after you play my entry plz and thx). That document, plus the comments I left, do a pretty good job highlighting what I really liked in other folks' entries. To answer the rest of the questions posed:

I have no idea how I did! Not even a little bit of a clue. Carcinogen turned out how it was always gonna turn out I reckon, and personally I wouldn't know how to even begin to rate a fever dream. So lmao sorry about that. I'm personally very happy with my own conduct during the jam - I took good care of myself and kept my expectations pretty reasonable, which are both pretty tall asks.

The highest moment for me was sharing the WIPs with friends and just getting responses like "gross" and "jfc michael". It tickled me. 

My personal low was probably struggling to start the script in the first place. For about three days I didn't know how to start, so I worked on art instead. It took leaving home, going to the library, and holding myself accountable to some friends to get me writing. Once I got the ball rolling, it wasn't so bad, but that first leap was surprisingly difficult to take. Thank the stars for friends.

 On the whole I'm amazed at the extent to which each entry either had something very powerful to say or made really bold choices that I'm still turning over in my mind. A very strong showing. Honestly I'm curious how this jam self-selects but it's a talented group of folks any way you slice it. Great work, y'all!


I need to be that one guy who goes "Objection!" to the "I'm bad at naming games" point. The title here is actually brilliant, and while it took me a second to get why it's like that, I found it really clever

thank you ❤️ that’s very kind of you to say