I've only played this for an hour, but that's for good reason. I really wanted to like this game due to NSFW games rarely having any gameplay elements, but man, do some of the decisions here suck.
The most noticeable thing is the absolute incoherent gameplay loop. While there is a tutorial at the beginning of each gameplay element, knowing what to do and when to do it is very hard. The player is supposed to memorise what each icon on the phone does, memorise what do from slight dialogue expressions since there's no way to find out after the fact, and also needs to figure out what each stat does.
The second turn-off is the part I was excited about, the gameplay. The card game thing. And while I do like it to a certain extent, it feels way too random to enjoy, especially considering how often you need to play it. By defintion, there is a 33% chance to deal damage, or 100% if you use the bird. Same applies to each round, and there's no logic that could help it, which means the game is complete RNG that prioritises bird cheese over actual strategy. It's similar to roulette, where you're taking a gamble on each turn. The difference is, in those games you can at least discern what has been played and what there is yet to be plaid. For instance, if there was a restriction of say, two cards of each type, it would be possible to predict the next move at least to a certain extent. Because then if the opponent has played two rocks, the rest of the cards can't be rocks, therefore paper cards are useless. The fact that the only way to disambiguate that is either through sheer luck or taking damage twice, is a major oversight. Fun concept, but horrible, horrible execution.
And listen, nobody likes hand-holdy games. I'm not asking for that. But at the same time, playing games blindfolded without a guiding voice is even worse. Just... Try to make this game a little more playable for new players. You're doing good, but for these two reasons, I just can't play it. Sorry.