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A member registered Jan 17, 2017 · View creator page →

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Alright, don't worry about that error for now as long as it doesn't crash the game

It's a bug where in if after you buy cards, you go progress time by doing the card game, it doesn't unlock the sleep. To unlock the sleep, right after you buy the cards, go visit Juliet and talk to her in her room to do the gifting tutorial, then go to your room and open your wardrobe. Those two tasks will unlock sleep. I've fixed that in later versions so the sleep icon is automatically clickable but it tells you what you have left to do.

Are you using 0.07B_da? Although not a big issue so long it doesn't crash the game, that version does fix other issues.

(2 edits)

Have you completed her storyline? Or are you still progressing with her? When you gave her the gift, did you do story content?

The green circle means the character bond is very close to reaching 100%, (you'll need 100% to progress to the next chapter) so green would be like 80%+. Green check means you've given a gift already for the day.

Yellow circle would be the bond is somewhere in the middle, 50% give or take. The symbols go Black > Red > Yellow > Green > Heart.

If you had given her the gift when it was green and you did story content, it means that the gift you gave was enough to reach 100% and you'd have gone through the chapter and then it would reset to the next stage.

It might be a bug if you've completed her storyline as gifting is no longer required for that character and that bond tracker doesn't know what to do.

I've released 0.07B_da that should fix the bug

I've released 0.07B_da that should fix the bug

That has been reported, I will be release a hotfix in a bit

how are you accessing Willow's H-scene page in this version anyway? 

Thanks for the report, I'll release a hotfix soon

The game tells you to buy packs of cards and won't let you leave until you've bought enough.

Since it's a visual novel first and foremost, the card game acts as more of a simple feature/mechanic to help pace and add an extra gameplay loop into the mix that ties the theme of romance together. 

Programming a complex TCG would be very hard to do in the game engine as a solo/small team and if we did, we wouldn't worry so much about the visual novel aspect that we wanted to focus on. Thanks for your input and glad you still like it for what it is!

Oh really?! That's great to hear :D The hotfix wasn't even made to fix that problem but glad that it did.

What does the exception say

Unfortunately, according to the creator of the Renpy game engine, it means the old save is trying to be loaded onto a new version that isn't compatible. Really sorry about that, it must've happened when I updated the game engine mid-dev and the Renpy porting messed up. I assume and think it works fine on PC and MAC though, it's just the android porting

That can be ignored really, that's just to tell me that people are accessing a part of the game they aren't, I've fixed it for 0.10A

It might be due to the Renpy engine having been updated and the way the android ports has changed slightly. Unfortunately, if that's the case, then it might be incompatible. I did my best to fix it but it doesn't work.

What is the old save file from? 0.06? Try another save file, see if any of them work.

Oh, that's just a minor bug where the game thinks you're in maggie's back garden or lilith's living room but as long as it doesn't crash the game, it should be good. I've fixed it for 0.10A

Just keep buying cards until the exit button appears, that means you've bought enough. We do that so the player gets free cards to start the game and doesn't accidentally spend their own starter money on the cards

Вы должны платить за аренду, история о соседях по комнате, которые начинают бизнес, чтобы платить за аренду. Для этого перейдите к значку «дом».

А чтобы получить новую одежду для девочек, вам придется брать их с собой на свидания, использовать опцию идентификации при взаимодействии с ними и повышать их уровень. Вы сможете переодеть их, как только они дойдут до главы 3 и окажутся в своих комнатах/домах.

(google translate)

I've thought about it but it's very unlikely. I planned the game to have a primarily hetero target audience so although it may involve trans/traps/futa romanceable characters, that's still not a complete 180 for the target audience's interest. The BEST I would do is a femboy

The game is powered by Renpy so if you've played other renpy visual novels, you just press escape or it's the 'menu' button at the very bottom of the screen. Renpy has an autosave save feature when you're in the load menu, click on the 'A' for autosave. Hopefully you'll be able to recover your lost progress

You need to redownload every MAJOR update yeah, the game is just an executable file, it's not like a client that is connected to a server that checks to see if you have the latest version

(1 edit)

Thank you so much. Oh man, sorry to hear that, this is a fresh install right? You didn't try and use a patch?
Try the 'ignore' option when the issue comes up, surely if it's unable to find an image during the scene, you can just skip it.

Maybe someone out there will make it ^^

Hey, we do not plan to do impreg for this game.

Oh, thanks for letting me know! No one has mentioned that before and it's still in the game, I'll have that fixed for 0.10A

Always has been B)

Unless you mean 0.07B specifically.

from what chapter?

(answered on discord)

Yeah, it's an option on their face icon, a clothes hanger. Make sure they're in their room, if you still can't see it, it probably means you need you to progress the story a little more, it unlocks at chapter 3 for all of them.

Is this at the start of the game? Did you buy enough cards? If that's the case, we've made it much clearer in later versions that you need to buy multiple packs of the first booster packs before you're allowed to exit.

We've improved that in later version so it's impossible to run into this but basically, after you buy the cards at the start of the game, immediately just head to Juliet's room and give her her energy drinks, then go to your room and open the wardrobe. Doing this will unlock the sleep option.

They'll have to be in their own rooms or if they're a VIP, they have to be at home.

The game tasks you with giving them gifts, you have to earn 3 stars with them by giving gifts they'll like. You'll also need to make sure to have the heart icon next to the gift option, this indicates how close the bond is and there's a hidden score based on what type of gifts you give. The ! indicates that the next chapter is ready to go (if you don't see the ! then that means it might need to happen in a different location or a different time.

You level up the girls by taking them on dates that this increases their weekly/monthly profit that you can claim and also unlocks new outfits and potentially new post-story H-scenes.

You have to have some base stats first. I'm unsure if in that version you have 0 but if that's the case, just increase your stats in the health app. In later versions, I've updated it so you automatically start with 1 on each stat.

Can you explain the maggie and lilith error further? Is that when you try to talk to them or from the arena or?

Also, if that's the case, I'd avoid the B-restaurant for now, I'm sure it's fixed in later versions though

It was probably included something she didn't like. If the gift item includes anything they hate, that would take priority.  Like for Lilith, she hates anything athletic so even if it's black or purple, she'll not like it.