Glad you liked the game! I am but a beginner, but I really put a lot of effort in it! XD
Actually... the idea on that wasn’t exactly to be funny... I just wanted to get the physics right on every detail from the animations.
But I understand that reaction... in our modern society, nudity is such a huge taboo, and normally no nudity is shown, unless the idea is to make fun of it, cause strangeness or be used as sex appeal, so it is kind of expected most people will always make the connection to one of these every time they see a nude body.
But one of the main purposes I made this game, and the main purposes me and some friends of mine will make even more games (and perhaps even animations) is because we truly believe that, by creating media content where nudity is depicted as something completely normal, people’s perception on it will start to change and, eventually, this whole taboo will simply go away...
What is your opinion in that? ^-^