Thanks for replying dude, keep up the awesome work! In regards to enemies telegraphing I like the chirp idea. As a better visual indicator, how about a laser that comes like a half second before an enemy's about to fire similar to the hypothetical player's laser? it would have the multi-use of 1) telegraphing an attack 2) giving a visual indicator of where the enemy's actually aiming 3) making it easier to get the hang of evading, as you'll be able to see the behaviour of the enemy's point of aim (it would also give an indicator for when off-screen enemies are about to fire, I got sniped by a tank from off-screen one time lol).
I like the idea of changing the projectile colour, maybe just change player autocannon tracers to be red like the rotary cannon though? that would kinda keep player and enemy tracers consistent colour-wise. I trust your judgement with it though, my bad for throwing walls of text at you :)