0.1.6 is real!!!!!! rejois!!!!!!!!!!!!!
cool new stuff (from what i've seen):
- portal has fancy new animation
- crash dance does noise!!!
- game doesn't use a data.win?????????? (fuck)
- fancy new gimmicks
- fallout buoy was renamed to flush hour
- market crash has a nerfed red gem (you can now access the route much easier)
- you can see the bonus area from the end of acid reflex (and vice versuh)
- cheats allow you to change gem sprites (doesn't include the ones from n tranced and XS, but rather PS1 and fusion sprites)
- cool new progress section in the pause screen (allows you to see relics, crystals, gems n what not)
- purple gem moved to decoffinated, also bug off has yellow gem
- decoffinated is beatable but is still really WIP with only 9 boxes and a possible route to the purple gem, and also has new weakly-reinforced box (can't be broken by jumping on it)
- some new level names n shit
- explosive boxes produce lights in bug off
- level 13 (rising temperatures)
funny bugs!!!!!!!!!:
- pipe down's bonus stage has some shit buggin out on the left, along with to the right of the secret exit to level 31
- camera is fucked in a lot of levels
- the crash dance sound doesn't stop after skipping it
- random debug shit
- market crash isn't possible without using the red gem route (LOADCAN WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO THE CARPET)
- spill issue (level 36) is accessible from warp 2????????
(will add more stuff later)