The panic message looks to me as if you have a hard-coded path to your home directory in it...
Could that have something to do with it?
New error a few lines further down
> ./keyboard_chicken thread 'main' panicked at /home/boneyan/Desktop/teplo/teplo/src/ failed to create Display: GlutinCreationError(NoAvailablePixelFormat) note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace warning: queue 0x55efbe80ba90 destroyed while proxies still attached: xdg_wm_base#19 still attached wl_output#13 still attached xdg_activation_v1#12 still attached zwp_pointer_constraints_v1#11 still attached zwp_text_input_manager_v3#10 still attached zxdg_decoration_manager_v1#9 still attached zwp_relative_pointer_manager_v1#8 still attached wl_shm#7 still attached wl_subcompositor#6 still attached wl_compositor#5 still attached wl_seat#4 still attached wl_registry#2 still attached