Hello! Welcome to Feedback Quest 7! My name's Hythrain and I'm one of the hosts and one of the streamers for this event! This feedback is being written live as I stream your game! If you're interested in seeing my live reaction, let me know and I can send you a link to the VOD once it's posted to YouTube!
Ikimashou returns yet again! If I'm correct, each time you enter FQ events you're demoing a different part of the story, right?
So while showings prior to now focused more on the character's origins in Montreal, this part finally sees Zinnia reach Toronto. I played up to the end of chapter 7, and I think the only things that stood out as a problem were some weird dialogue choices (like when Zinnia is with her high school friends and one goes "I'm glad we're great friends despite our differences!"). The dialogue doesn't feel natural to me. On top of this, I'm legit questioning a lot of Zinnia's decision making in general. While I know nothing bad is going to happen to her in the story, the manner of which she's doing things is just really bad.
But then again... part of this story is based on you, isn't it? I've always had that impression, but this is the first time where I've felt the story be connected to real events. However, because there's still a level of disconnect between the two it results in Zinnia's journey being more unrealistic, especially things like a driver of the GO bus letting a passenger just sleep on the bus through a round trip. There's also some very weird time frames (like taking 6 hours to go from Montreal's Gare Central to the station in Ottawa. I've done this train before and was only on it for 2 hours with the same stops you noted).
One day, I'll get around to playing the entire story in one go. XD