Bug Reports for Version 1.2 start here
- Actions at the Villa (Work for Mario & scenes for Katarina and Emma) are mostly allowed to be finished all at once rather than once a week. This messes with the game's pacing and causes softlocks since Emma's scenes in the sauna are able to seen before Mario ask you to seduce her.
- Anna fan photos no longer appear on screen after the shutter sound.
as usual with every update I start from 0 to test the new things because otherwise they get buggy and don't work with old save files.
what I noticed for now after re-finishing several routes from 0 to 90 and 100 is:
- Sofia's dialogs in the bar don't work correctly, everything jumps automatically.
- Many npc in the background of the park and Mall is super placed above the other, example: The old man of the prque is supposed to be behind a girl but is above stepping on the sprite.
- the photos of anna in the living room don't work, they stop appearing.
- sometimes the event images of anna on the floor cleaning don't start up
- you can corrupt emma in the same week in 2 days toteleles
- sometimes sofia's dialogs get stuck
- when you ask the corrupt mayor for answers, he doesn't let you exit until you click 3 times on “I have no more questions”.
- alice's events do not load correctly or do not occur.
- alice's dialogs in adrian's room when she says “Normies” are skipped automatically and she doesn't know how to start the event.
- the images of anna's fans are no longer displayed.
- the saves from the previous version will never work with the new versions of the game, it causes too many conflicts with the new version.
- sometimes the quests do not appear in the notebook until the next week has passed.
- sometimes the dialogues with Mario are skipped automatically without being able to speak correctly.
these are the ones I remember, sorry I don't remember the rest