Mario.... Ghost...?
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I am not a fan of Ken but I am a fan of his stories, something that I would love to see in his next updates is that he can tell you stories of the characters that you use in the mini game “tower defense”, the ones you buy from the girl in the hills. Having HOT stories of those characters would be really awesome, maybe even a good content to be with him.
I know there are TOO MANY new forums open for anything, but I would like this one to be used for absolutely any questions about routes or characters with the arrival of the new update that changes the launcher and the whole game.
the previous post I made is already many pages old and I think it was time to create a new one.
my ego won't let me lose in the temple hahaha, only 1 time to unlock the hospital, but now I can't because I already arrived with nyxara, and with the other doctor I think there is only 1 scene no?
Btw, the sofia thing is after arresting mario, right? i still don't do it because i want to find out what's in the guest room, the skeleton key didn't work.
I'm interested in knowing if anyone has already discovered the new routes, I've advanced a lot but very cautiously, if anyone has already achieved it, I would like to know which routes lead to these scenes because as long as the save is not yet saved at any time of the game, I don't want to start from 0 for a minimum error hahaha:
the scenes that I couldn't get or I haven't reached yet:
With Nurse Nina
With Josef, Anna, and Adrian.
Expanded Sofia's storyline for when you choose to arrest Mario.
New Studio Guest: Charlotte.
New Studio: Alice's
I know there are TOO MANY new forums open for anything, but I would like this one to be used for absolutely any questions about routes or characters with the arrival of the new update that changes the launcher and the whole game.
In this case I have started again from 0 since the new launcher requires it as it does not read the old files, since the way the whole system has changed is understandable, I will leave my first question below:
as usual with every update I start from 0 to test the new things because otherwise they get buggy and don't work with old save files.
what I noticed for now after re-finishing several routes from 0 to 90 and 100 is:
- Sofia's dialogs in the bar don't work correctly, everything jumps automatically.
- Many npc in the background of the park and Mall is super placed above the other, example: The old man of the prque is supposed to be behind a girl but is above stepping on the sprite.
- the photos of anna in the living room don't work, they stop appearing.
- sometimes the event images of anna on the floor cleaning don't start up
- you can corrupt emma in the same week in 2 days toteleles
- sometimes sofia's dialogs get stuck
- when you ask the corrupt mayor for answers, he doesn't let you exit until you click 3 times on “I have no more questions”.
- alice's events do not load correctly or do not occur.
- alice's dialogs in adrian's room when she says “Normies” are skipped automatically and she doesn't know how to start the event.
- the images of anna's fans are no longer displayed.
- the saves from the previous version will never work with the new versions of the game, it causes too many conflicts with the new version.
- sometimes the quests do not appear in the notebook until the next week has passed.
- sometimes the dialogues with Mario are skipped automatically without being able to speak correctly.
these are the ones I remember, sorry I don't remember the rest
you should not select the right or wrong words, you should have to use your own reading comprehension, for example, the ninja says that her profession is an herb store, and indeed she has one, BUT IT IS NOT HER PROFESSION, and there are several things like that, it is not a search for the differences, it is to verify if the information is correct.
In order not to repeat the ideas that others have already said, I will limit myself to say that it would be great more scenes with samantha on the beach or with charlotte as a “business trip” and more things with them, as well as with Anna in the park or mall.
another point I wanted to highlight is that at least in my case, when updating the game if I load a game from the previous version in the new one things are not generated correctly and it makes me start from 0.
today I started a new route and I have already finished all the missions to experience.
So far, only after completing everything I made Josef leave and hacked Adrian's computer at the same time.
now i have to talk to anna but from her options last time i chose to seduce him in the shared route, is there any change between the 3 options to seduce adrian if i start the shared route?
- ok with the new "Continue" system when you load one, the following happens to me: no matter which slot I use, everything is saved in the first one, so I can't continue where I left off in Slot 2, since it is saved in Slot 1, consequently I lost the progress of Slot 1, I liked better the old "Save/Load" of several spaces and with names.
- The HOTEL 24 location is still active to enter after completing the mission, but if you enter you get stuck.
the wine is to make me stop drinking it, right?
Isn't "I have ascended" the one about suicide?
The one with charlote is the romantic route? I never got to her "Ending".
Mmm if it's really like that, we already got all the endings theoretically, I thought the other endings were going to be with other girls who got little to nothing with the interactions.
anna has as... 4 endings, right?
- when they escape together
- when you commit suicide
- when you finish the page
- when you refuse to create the starmaker page.
Also a Kate ending.
- they leave together.
Also an ending of Amelia.
- they leave together.
those are the 6 endings i could discover out of the 11 existing ones, from then on i feel stuck, i don't know what else to do wherever i go.
So Adrian leaves at the end but only in one specific ending? curious.
Ok, the weapon is a bit useless then when in the third week the blond helps you with it, but it's a great advantage in early game, so it's not bad, it's quite useful to start new routes.
I also got those from Anna.
I hope they bring out a guide soon because I feel like there are things I missed and I can't do them anymore.
In the route of adrian leaves the house I try several things, even that anna doesn't tell him anything about his website but he is still there, I think the idea is to steal even the goth and stop playing with him or I don't know.