Since you added the amfleet diner and coach are you also going to add the amfleet baggage car?
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The Budd Company never made an Amfleet styled baggage car. There are viewliner baggage cars however, and they can often be seen on various Amtrak long distance trains.
@JWeezy Construction I could make a viewliner baggage, but I think someone on the 3D warehouse made that already. Also, I'll probably upload my Amfleet II shortly.
Oh sweet! yes I believe I already have a Viewliner baggage car from somebody else that is included in the mod. Thank you though!
And your Amfleet II's look fantastic as usual! cant wait to hopefully add them!
I recently added the Metra Gallery cars from your Metra Commuter Train. They look amazing, I just havent been able to find any interiors for a gallery car anywhere. Any thoughts on where I could find one? For now, the doors dont open on those units and the windows are just "tinted black"