Hellooo! ım finally here after playing the demo and ı already feel sooo bad for missing out this gem all those days :'). my thoughts in summary is I enjoyed every second ı got in this game the game gave me all those romance, slice of life moments, and cute ghost boy and ı was so happy to tak them all because ı just played demo like 2-3 times ı can see how much work you put into it in the released game and ım amazed!! having all those response choices ı was like little kid happily saving the all choosing moments so ı can experience all those answer ı could get from cute ghost boy and even with that ı didnt picked all choices and will probably replay several times to cover them either. as for music ı think they matched with the story very well they and art is very gorgeous too!
as for the story flow ı enjoyed all of them and none of the part of story bored me ıts very good in my opinion (ım saying these as slice of life and cute stuff lover ofc everyone has their own opinion) and ım verrryy happy about Happy ending honestly ı was bit afraid that story might not end with such good ending but ım very glad it did thank you for all the hard work for this verryy cute and amazing game! ^^