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A member registered Dec 14, 2021 · View creator page →

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same here he is life (batlle) saver with his moral skill for sure

Yay! happy valentines day!!

aaaa lovely samuel fanart >///////< asfsffh ı cant have words (ıts amazing) 

OOOO collaboration! ıt sounds very exciting! ı hope things will go super smoothly so people can see the representation of cool working indie game developer mom!! (ım rooting for it :3)

endings are very difficult to do so ıf taking more time would be more helpful ıts ok whats important is the finished product being something you like -w- 

Helloo!! ım not quiet finished all the routes but ı still wanted to write a comment! 

tbh when ı first saw this game ı was already drawn to the art XD ıt looked exactly from a fantasy animes and ıt was a beautiful fairytale story!! ahh ı love fairytales! (ı love light stories because yay they make happy lol :D)

ı will talk about certain spoiler in the story so for anyone who havent played it yet and doesnt want to get spoiled here my spoiler warning for you :3

A FANTASY DEDECTİVE STORY WOOOOO ıt was super fun and exciting! all the character, the drama, voices, music, places everything set the mood soo perfectly and the fact that ı was literally trying to find the clues myself was so fun too! (and talking with partner part was nice owo) interrogations were very intense yet nice too (ı failed to find correct clue many times but thanks god that ı only got weird stares haha XD)
at my first play ı was literally panicking to understand what was happening but as ı kept playing for other routes ı finally understood the whole process and wow ıt was amazing >w< 

As for the characters ı love how each character was very detailed and had interesting interactions with each other (who would have guessed ice queen and Cinderella's god mother was exes :o) haha ıt was very nice unique :3 (I also love how kind Cinderella is ı totally agree her about cleaning your own messes and ı love how she didnt want her title to get in her way too in which also helped her back as witch couldnt know how kind she actually is and made a mistake)

as for partners :3
The moment ı started to play ı immediately saw Merlin and said ''yea definitely need to play his route'' and his route is my favorite one so far aaaa >w< my soft boi nailed it in the end! ı guess my second favorite is Sirena's because ı really felt sorry for her not being able to fit in yet ı was amazed by how cheerful she is and no matter what the obstacles are she kept trying her very best! Im believe in you Sirena you are amazing wooo :3 (ofc ım not forgetting the baby seal Dewey his cuteness is beyond the stories >w<)

I was also quiet curious abour Joringel and and his route was both fun and emotional  like the fact that he knew us finding out his theft would ruin his plan yet he helped us regardless awww :') I feel like his route literally sounds like just an another story of master thief series hehe ıts very fitting! but of course ı was in loe with how in each route our partner solved the problem in their unique way! so fitting!

I havent play ice queen's and beast's routes yet but ı also love how much they actually show little of their inside world in other games too like even though they are not happy with whole ordeal they keep trying to help and prevent the bad events like for example ice queen immediately throws vine on Joringel and asks (well kinda demands) Merlin to clean it so joringel's nulifier can get caught and they both get very mad at witch when she holds Cindirella as hostage. which means THEY CARE even though they usually act like they dont X3 they may look like villains but they have a heart of good people too! ı guess they just need to be encouraged to show their good sides ^^;; ı will see this part while playing their routes hehe :3

long story short ı loved this game so much!! thanks for everyone who put their all efforts in it and helped this game a sweet masterpiece ı loved every part of it and am still loving it since ı keep playing! thank you so much ! >w< 

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oh nor ım both curious and scared to know what was he his first thought XD ıts either going to something very weird and goofy like how he sometimes speak without thinking much or something sentimental (?) and somehow changed his mind... ^^;

ofc this is me thinking about real scenario (me and my somehow too serious mind >w< )  this is his one the most famous words ı wish he could take serious before regretting it by the reactions he get lol

LOL difficulty level is getting upper and upper by each game XD ım assuming easy one is gacha date normal is the main ADW game (OMG the background lmao ) and then hard mode is villains heart (noo both TO and Deita is crying ;w;) hopefully ı assumed corectly hehe >w< 

the drawing is soo cool 0w0  ı love the meme in the easy mode and both normal ad hard mode is both chaotic and funny XD

aaaaa noooo XD hahahahahhaha ı meant like maybe someone would volunteer and secretly try to teach? XDD but ıf there is money ı can do it -w-

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Oh wow! Jeth lore! Jeth is a character ım highly interested in psychology topic so ı also would love to say few of my thoughts about him X3 sorry for stepping in!

haha  ım suprised ı got few right assumptions about him XD especially with the power one! when ı was playing the game the way he spoke felt like there is curiosity and small hope yet ıt didnt felt like in general but rather about personal intentions. To be honest seing his cruel sides ı didnt really wanted to be involved with him again X3 because ıt felt like as ıf ı was at his mercy and ı wouldnt do anything ıf he wanted to do worse. ofc every character in the game is alot stronger than me but the fact that Jeth doesnt hesitate to use it for selfish desires gives so much red flag in my eyes.

Though in the whole villain's heart game he was the character ı specially tried to understand and look in deeper ways.
Only then ı noticed that he is rather alot ''guarded'' from eyes of the outside than ı thought? since ı could feel there is something wrong with him yet couldnt put my finger on it.  he is quiet good at keep his mask though he is not perfect either since everyone is keeping their eyes on him everyone knows he is quiet dangerous regardless of how much he keeps acting ''nice'' XD

ı still admire how he can at least look so calm and collected as long as he doesnt get swayed by his own emotions. yet ı feel like he is bit arrogant one too thinking himself more highly than other as ıf he solved all the world's mystery by himself ^^; or at least he thinks he knows good enough? though ıts undeniable that ıf ıt wasnt for him current situation in crown would never have happened. perhaps then ı could say he is kind of aware of his power and potential yet strangely instead of trying to improve he sees no reason to do so and gets stuck in his own negative reasoning? X3 (ah well human psychology is never an easy topic for me.)

In the end ı see jeth as more like wasted potential as he keeps getting swayed by his own emotions twisting even his logic. But ı wonder ıf he ever tries to look into things differently? or he thinks that would be waste of time. to be honest instead of trying to connect with ''familiar person'' he could simply try to connect with himself? XD like Ruwin haha. I guess he sees no reason to do so unaware that he literally sets his own cage where he suffers.

as for how he acts in gacha date.... so this is why he felt so different lol XD he was actually feeling hopeful and trying to show real effort 0-0 ı do remember seeing him being so calm and ı was like ''.... did Eve and Jonas did something to him or am ı overreacting????''

Personally he is a big no no for me but ıts very fun to obverse him for ''science'' XD

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haha ı think many of us in similar situation with him X3 here is small spoilers:                 (pls dont read ıf you dont like them >-<) in Villains heart he was like first person who caught my eye actually and ı was like '' oh he looks level headed and clever perhaps he will be my favorite villain!'' XD thorough the game ı somehow didnt mind his antics one way or another even there were times when ı was shocked XD but the more ı played the game the more he showed his freak side so ı was like in between of loving or not loving him... until what happened at his route's ending and when he pulled that knife because ı rejected him while ı was playing Mikalis's route -_- ı still like his antics but ı think ım leaning more on ''yea.... ı guess he is one the worst of LIs lol'' XD 

hhahahahha XD awww now ı feel guilty ;w; well perhaps one could try to teach him how to rizz someone without horrifying them? XD tho ı feel like Jeth needs tons of improvement when ıt comes to get a healthy communication and relationship ^^;; still ıf he is willing that would be still plus points >w<

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oh in here he got destroyed by the truth lol ^^;; thankfully this time he cant do any freak move towards TO since they are in their home world haha :3 (ı both do and do not feel sad for him.... sorry jeth >-<)

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OMG XD I wasnt expecting Eve to suddenly come and give some Ashur fan service XD hhahaha. aww Ashur you didnt have to put that much effort lol but he will definitely get his kisses X3  

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nooo poor Beileph ı was feeling very sorry for him in Villains heart game since no one was siding with him ;w;  but ı guess things werent easy for him in the original game too even his hobies are something people get weirded out since he wants to find a way to be friend with monsters. Hopefully he did manage to get soe rest time to time (Im counting on Beisel for this one XD)

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ım glad you feel better yayy! 0w0 resting is always good option for sickness.

oh yes, ı guess the vision he actually wanted to be seen Vs how people truly saw thorough him made some good damage :') ouch. 

aww poor Lor ;w; ı guess ı cant say ım surprised because that feels like exactly something he would do ;w; self reflecting can be good ıf ı speak generally but at this rate ı feel like he is literally replaying every single thing he did in the day and criticize himself on every small detail. 

OO in my mind for some reason ı felt like more trusting on Jonas than Eve even with he literally answered me brutally when ı asked him ''what ıf ı oppose you?''. Of course ı would like to think Eve is not too bad too as she seems like a character who lacks empathy, yet she can also learn things from experience.  I guess ıf ı would portray Jonas and Eve, Jonas look like some intimating dragon which actually has protective instinct over everything, and Eve is more like something looks super bubbly and like colorful with some possible ticking time bomb standing inside of it. will it explode? well who knows 0w0;; (she felt like that in her all bond talkings lol but after winning the fight on old one's side her attidute somehow felt softer ı guess ı passed some invisible test ı wasnt aware of) Although ı could easily see how Jonas was actually alot caring towards humans. Eve is someone who is kind of behind him on that regard. At first ı thought maybe she simply didn't have any empathy towards humans and saw unnecessary to have such feeling too. but in one of her talks she was actually venting about how she doesnt want to be ''god'' because wishes of others  since things can get out of the hand easily. so ı thought maybe she actually tried her best at first but perhaps things she witnessed made her deciding to turn her heart cold agaisnt humans? Or perhaps she just got tired of it and people's stubbornness annoyed her ^^;  now tho since she seems like understanding the perspective of human more she was more open to ''development of the world'' idea. unless she gets disappointed on that though. I guess her human memories gave made her decide to think other side unlike her past? (I am guessing main reason is Ashur + her emotions from when she was human).

Oh well ı guess For rouges, struggles of priests trying to find a guidance from gods for everyone looks like as ıf they are some sort of dreamers who only tries to see something without trying anything? then ı guess to priests rouges are like people who jumps into every little thing without thinking about consequences. In other words: reckless XD

ooo power of two transient ones XD aaaa there is meee standing there with endless minus nine numbers :3  haha ı love ittt thank you ı guess this is like my top favorite art about jeth :3 (ı enjoy his other arts too but art about him actually self-reflecting? perfect 0w0) other two rouges laughing are like cherry on top  -w- hehee thank you for this art (oh ıts ok! take your time :3)

WOOOWW ıts very amazing drawing for so little experience (ı dont know anything about efficient drawing yet even ı can say that XD) and pls dont mind me since ım bit tired due to not sleeping ı tend to make very silly assumptions rn either way your art looks super cool X3

ooohh ıt looks so nice! 0w0

ah well at first ı thought jeth's head as a some rock hahaha XD ı guess the facts he can not listen your opinions at all reminded me of ''talking to a wall'' saying so my mind outomatically thought jeth as a some sort of rock that doesnt responds for any kind of thoughts or emotions at all ^^; ıdk ıf ı could make it make sense lol because now ı have realized that ıts just his head what ı thought sounds super silly. 

The fact that Lor and Deita desperately struggles to hold the TO hahaha XD all scene looks super fun and cool! :3

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Oh ı hope the sickness is gone and you feel better now ;w; ım glad you still posted these super cool doodles here :3 (same goes with spark ıts very nice drawn small comic :3)

LOL the way they felt attacked by the comments in the first part XD   Dont worry guys you are loved with the way you are so ı guess in the end ıts all good >w<  (confused lor looking at them in the end is pretty funny too haha XD ı guess he is one the characters who got less  ''harsh truth'' comments tho ım also cruious what is he doing there 0-0 is he doing similar thing??)

to be honest all rouges looks like some immature weird kids in my eyes sometimes ^^;  when ı was playing old one's side ı was imaginin myself telling ashur '' Its ok ıf you want to rely on me on emotional matter ı can be like emotional supportive big sister for you! '' XD well although ı like ashur sometimes ı feel like ıts more like loving a emotional kid than a man so ı guess ı would be in better position about ''big sis'' act rather than whatever was in his mind Jonas pointed out in party lol. Idk how much would my words effect him tho would he be happy and take advantage or be sad?  since ı literally tell him ı think about him like a kid ;w; lol

Katnir is on the other hand can be both very responsible and childish at the same time haha poor guy's defence shield wasnt ready for the comments ;w; still ı think comments about him are not too bad?? definitely not what he thought he would get but still ^^;; ı mean at least ıts completely understandable that he is in this way? he just loved his family so much that horrible event destroyed him and now he doesnt wanna have similar pain again :'). 

XD hahaha although rouges can be bit confusing for me in the end their interactions with each others feels like pure comedy! (the fact that Ruwin and Beisel is looks so done /unbothered is hilarious too XD ı wonder what deita and samuel generally feels about these rouges though since they are also clashing fractions) 

and ı totally agree with you sparkqi ! and your TO lolol Jeth has never been my favorite when ıt came to bond chats but ı still look for them since he reveals so many secrets about him and crown's history time to time XD ıts perfect reaction for Jeth too (walking away ı mean ) ı guess inside of my head ı would say something like ''Oh wow this was even whole alot worse than those ''my heart is yours'' cheeky lines ım giving this -99999999999999999 out of ten'' with a concerned and weirded out face XD (ı wouldnt say it loud tho because ı would probably be scared of jeth's reaction)

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yaay thank youu XD ım still lacking at adjusting my level but ı will manage to do it one day!

ooh yea ı guess suprise attack could give great chance to blow a few hits XD ı guess carrying some light and easy weapon could help too! like some long sturdy stick to bonk the enemy from distance :3 

oh actually aura protecting TO is super creative way to put plot armor in the story lol XD ı do remember gods once said ''we gave you the aura so you wouldnt be at disadvantage in this world'' ım sure ıts was more about how our aura draws people to us BUT!!! IT CAN HEAL TOO!!!  little spoiler here but ıts confirmed that TO's aura can  can heal ''elemental poisoning'' so why not ıt cant simply be able heal everything like illnesses or poisoning ıts around (which is obviously us lol since we are at the center of it) so ıts not only something that makes us get along with everyone easily since aura attracts them but ıt also has ability to heal the whoever close to it (that would make sense that Ashur was whining about how his pain was crawling back as he got away from us thanks to Beileph XD) and thats how TO will survive yaaay >w< 

(ım on my waaay ım the one with flower profile lol  ı wrote ''Here for games and internet surfing ^^'' on my bio :3 )

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oh sorry for squeezing myself in again haha ı couldnt helpbut notice how whole game story processes sounds when there is someone who has knowledge about certain stuff X3 so cool! ı have heard that being medicine student is super difficult so ı salute to you for that o7 

martials arts mentioneed wooo ı feel like your TO (ı mean you) would be good martials arts manhwa main character XD combination of health knowledge and martial art skills could create effective and good combos in my opinion! dont give upp ım sure as long as you dodge you will be fine! hmmm or at least having an armor would be better? 

ooohh what a disastrous scenario in the dungeons 0-0 but! with my not so trusted knowledge ı heard somewhere wouldnt Transient One be able to immune to some of the sickness already? or maybe not haha our immune system is more used to fighting modern sickness so ı guess poor TO and guild members would accidentally trade possible sicknesses :') ı never once thought about that haha XD ı guess my TO would be dead before even reaching brookhaven due to my TO's weak immune system ( my TO is actually exactly me but lets say that she is my alternative world version since ı feel embarrassed to think myself in this whole situation XD)

haha seems like Lor has to find another cloak  XD 

OOO more drawings will come yay x3
(and sadly ı really do debate this to say it since ı kinda failed to say it and left it like that before but ı thought maybe we could be friends and chat so ı was sying maybe we could share safe contant? (ı say safe because well some people see some of their social media accounts more private than others) but then hearing you are a medic student ı wouldnt want to be distraction since ı can be noisy about this game (and other posible things) time to time XD ı mean again here is fine but then starting conversation is harder here in my opinion sorry ıf ım pushing my limits too much (btw this offer is open for anyone in this community actually ıdk how many people actually read my epic long writings but yea.. XD)

ooohh new arts haha so cool! oh wow fully locking yourself to study is amazing 0-0 ıf there something ı will never be able to is probably lock myself to study lol. even now ı have exams one day later and guess what am ı doing lol XD ıts amazing that you have strong dicipline but please take care of yoursellf aaaaa >-< most important thing is health!! ıf you dont have health you can progress good anyway! and happiness is good for health -w- 

waaa ı hope ı wont changee >w< meeting new people here is fun! 

haha ı love sweet guys since they feel like safe zone for me >w< 

hahaha ı think jeth is type of guy who is already crazy but hides behind of a mask of smile XD. ıdk his acts feels like as ıf he is trying to be different from certain people who forced him to do bad things when he was child ( sowwy little spoiler ;w;). like he is trying to be NOT LİKE them but instead of understand the concept of being ''good person'' or whatever is unlike those people are... he blindly tries to do opposite acts of ''what sound like them'' ofc he is very pragmatic guy for his own selfish desires so in the end as long as he would see something necessary in his mind he wouldnt mind to do it no matter how bad ıt sounds which actually make thing like he is acting exactly like those people. he only gets on his better version when he is not desiring something or finding some necessity in the situation. OFC ı still havent played the new update so these are my ''not updates'' thoughts lolol XD ıf you have spoilers about this fact ı wouldnt mnd to have them tho. 

awww Ruwin is a good boy hahaha XD when ı was talking with him in first times ı was like ''.... is this guy serious? -_-'' but then ı saw him really trying hard even tho he actually didnt want to due to pain he felt. and yes poor guy actually lived with his regrets with his entire life ;w; thats something not many would do. some people even brag about how they harmed someone and this guy was destroying himself over an bad accident he caused ( ı  call it accident because ı dont think he would have caused ıf he knew what would happen). and small spoi : he actually tried to sew asadadassd ;w; ıt happens in gacha game and he tries to do that because he notices plushie dolls TO has in their room X3 ı was really surprised he actually tried to do that lol. 

 Thank you so much for seeing it from the point of my view hahaha ı am very shy to talk about my emotions because ıf the opposite side claims that ım wrong about feeling them that kinda feels like a thorny ivy squeezing my throat. I guess ıts because ı feel like ı shouldnt have feel it in the first place. Of course ı cant say ı survived all the pain from my old memories but ı am trying to make them feel less strong? like trying to understand other side or saying ''we are all humans in the end'' because negative emotions always harm me in the end while the people who caused them arent even aware that ı still think about those memories XD. But being heard out is always something feels like a getting warmth of sun while walking on outside with nice weather and fresh air >w<

ahaha yaay ı love fictional characters! maybe some people may find it weird ı like to think about like talking them or adding them on my daily routine (hmm ıts like ı imagine them doing something else while ım studying lol) they also help the strengthen my self love ı think ı felt that especially on ADW because having them on your side no matter which path you choose felt so liberating ıt was like ''ıts ok even ıf ı make a mistake'' and ı think ı managed to carry this feeling into my normal life time to time.. hopefully ı can continue to do that because ı am in my exam week now hahaha ;w; when will this eeeeennnddddd. 

I really hope things will take hopeful turn in this depressing sight we will somehow find new sparks of hope  but ı really hope ıt will be soon XD because destruction of depressing feelings are too OP for this moment in my opinion -_-

oh and about perfection ı actually heard a term of ''perfection of imperfection'' ı guess ıt was japanese tho ı didnt really searched it much ıt was about beauty of things that are incomplete or flawed. With not knowing much ı actually tried to think about the concept myself when ı think what really matters is not being flawless from the start but being able to complete each other with your own strengths and weaknesses like day and night and they create a full day together.. they seem so different and opposite but with their existence together we are living our normal Lifes. ı guess ı think relationships closer to this.. ıts like we will be different and have our own mistakes but whats important is being able to walk together and trying to find a way to improve the problems. which sounds very difficult actually haha x3 but ı hope everyone will find their happiness with or without flaws.

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OOOH yaay ı got to know more about Lor haha XD ı always like to know more about the characters ı like so ım happy :3

wow ı never thought he is a social guy haha ^^; perhaps because he was trying to be ''more normal'' while supress himself? he always looked like he wants to say something but struggle to find a way to tell it.  and then here ı was thinking that ''ı should introduce him some people he need friends'' hahaha XD

well as long ıts not some topic like ım super interested in ı would usually prefer to stay quiet so ı guess Lor would have so much chance to talk XD. ı also noticed that Lor is kind of being perfectionist when ıt comes to himself. even the reason of the accident that happened in mage tower was because of he couldn't admit what he was doing and was scared so instead he tried to fix things himself or at least bear with it as much as he can yet with already existing pressure his anxious emotions gave him even more stress and pressure so ı am not suprised he reached a point to not be able to handle it anymore as he was trying to be perfect while forcing himself to do certain things at this point ı also kind of think about the one video you shared about perfectionism and how getting burned out and returning to normal self would be seen as ''something that should be fixed'' ı guess Lor was too afraid to show his true self since he was kind of desperately searching for recognition and acceptance from the people he was around. and probably fell in love with Deita since she accepted him even with that accident he caused. 

Oh what an amazing grandpa! ım happy that your grandparents had a happy marriage (well since they seem to care each other ı hope they did) and your grandpa sounds like super caring and super strong person!  >w<  although open love is easiest to realize people who always support their love is very amazing people in general! (*gasp* fluffy hair!!)

I would also like to talk about why ı like him ı guess :3 ı dont mind sharing my thoughts and some little background relating to them but hopefully ıt wont end up becoming a venting since thats not my aim

I guess starting with how ı kind of feel similar to Lor brought my interest and focus on him would be good start :3

I am a single child of my family.  my mom usually tells me that she got married my father because her family wanted her to.. and she actually didnt want to marry.. perhps because ıt wasnt love marriage growing up the way ı saw them together reminded more of  roommates than lifelong partners since they always look distant from each other. Of course they are both good people.. but ı guess they just couldnt connect with each other much? ım not sure while growing up ı didnt really see them showing some form of love or even saying ''ı love you'' to each other and while ı was talking to them alone they would usually vent about some things their partner do and they dont like and ı would listen to them as their own child XD. Even now ım not so sure ıf they really love each other or they see each other like friends. but one thing is certain: they loved me yet unfortunately growing up in abusive families my parents didnt really knew how to show their love towards me so they usually  tried to support me in their way while they might accidentally hurt my emotions in the process ^^;;  ıf ı would give an example whenever my mom did see me crying she would say ''dont ruin your eyes over foolish things'' or whenever she did see me eating many junk food she would say ''you are getting fatter and uglier as you keep eating them''  on the inside she was trying to make me stop doing harmful things yet the way she tried stop me always hurt me emotionally since ı felt like she doesnt love me or is disappointed in me. 

My parents also had lots of expectation on me as ı was their only child they wanted me to succeed but the way they treated me whenever ı fail was also hurtful... to them me succeeding was ''whats supposed to be'' and me failing was completely my fault as '' ı wouldnt be failing ıf ı would try hard enough and ım just being lazy''. As time passed ı became more and more isolated since ı wasnt allowed to go outside (except school) without my parents being with me because they thought outside world is dangerous and ım too naive and stupid to protect myself (this is what my mom told me when ı asked why many times haha XD). 

Though now ı can see they were trying to protect me in their own way ı always thought ım just a idiot girl they were disappointed with or ı am never good enough since none of my achievements were seen as achievements. so deep down ı think ı can understand Lor because ı also always wanted to have at least someone who would accept me as ı am and wouldnt yell at me when ı would make mistakes.  perhaps thats why when ı saw Lor ı immediately wanted to make him happy because perhaps ı saw a part of me in him. but of course this was only how ı started to focus on him more rather than why ı love him haha XD

as for how ı started to love him ı guess ı can start with how seeing sweet and caring type of characters actually makes me feel so happy as they  are someone deep down ı wish to have by my side x3 

I am type of person who listens other's problems so thats how many of my friends told me about things they saw and experienced while dating with someone and.... general picture was always same... some dude showing no emotion at all (except jealousy/ anger) doesn't help with anything but loves doing random stuff they like, act more like a little kid than an adult (that is my opinion honestly.. but ı really felt like all my friends were being more like moms than a girlfriends in their relationships) and this profile never got better anywhere either. ı never saw a man who normally expresses themself (ı dont count yelling or slamming something as clear communication), who somehow shows their love in some way (except buying gifts as an apology after every big fight). and all female members of my family usually talks about how their partner emotionally tormented them and never even lifted a finger in their certain difficult times. needles to say no men in my family know much about chores or cooking either let alone being bit romantic haha ^^; .   

maybe thats why ı always find male characters who express their feelings strongly or male characters who does things for someone they love supernatural 0-0 yes even ıts a imaginary game haha even the idea feels foreign ;w;

yet ı fully embrace them too because deep down ı want to believe that ı dont have a doomed future of either never having someone ı can share love with or being with someone who will never show any love and will just exist next to me without caring about me at all. I also love people who are not afraid to show themselfs to others since doing such thing int his cruel world is super brave! and something not many can do haha including me so ı cant blame poor Lor on this. admitting fault or showing your weak sides can be very scary especially ıf you care the opinions of the people around you.

in the end ı feel like ıf someone like Lor would exist and be single ı would probably be the one who proposes to them to not lose them haha XD but in the other hand ı doubt ı deserve someone like him since ı also dont know how to express my love and saying ''ı love you'' still feels foreign to me. Although ı believe people love or hate you depending on your actions but ı also think that ıts not so simple? love might require reasons but that reasons doesnt only depend on me but depend on the person who loves me too. sometimes people can love someone due to some reason they have inside of their mind / heart 

Hopefully everyone can be able find someone (not only as partner but also as friend) who will accept themself as they are and will love them since otherwise life sounds too cruel for me :'3

anyway ı love Lor beause he first got my interest as ı kinda felt like ı have similarities with him yet then ı noticed how caring and sweet he is and immediately loved him haha XD and learning that he is so talkative that he would nice hairdresser makes me only love him more XD haha because ım rather quiet and boring person. I also think expressing emotions is beautiful thing! ı guess people can feel responsible about crying tho because they usually want people they care to be happy rather than sad? but ı still think letting emotions go free is better option x3 ıf they ever get bottled up they cause more trouble ı know this from myelf  haha XD ^^ ım also glad Lor is having his chances to be more open with transient one too as ı finished playing crown side of new update he was being sad over transient ones departure and he openly expressed himself. poor guy needs to accept himself and be more confident ;w; and not gonna lie ı also kinda feared ''letting others down'' even this was a game... attaching myself too much can be interesting sometimes 0-0

ım so happy for learning more about him thank you so much for sharing it with me aaa >w< ofc ı love all characters in the ADW game but Lor is special for me :3

I hope you will have a nice daay ^^

(2 edits)

Helloooo! Aaa thank you for allowing to keep them X3 they are in safe hands haha

Hmmm ı checked my first post in this game which ı wrote after playing it until the last update and the date of the post is.... December 29 2023 sooooo ım here for like 2 years haha XD but ım sure there are people who have been here longer than me ım just the nosiest among all ı guess ×w×.  

Oohh tbh ı really liked the mirror thing ıt never ever crossed my mind and ı it feels super cool and unique! 

And ı really liked your list too yaayy ı guess the only characters ı wont be able to like is mikaylis and jeth because they kinda trigger my one personal fear in real life ;w; in my country sadly thousand of poor women getting hurt or even worse by horrible men ı also know terrible news coming from other countries too and ı am  sensitive about these topics so after getting all those terrible news that happened even inside of my father's side lotly my brain kinda developed a fear against this and sadly both jeth and mikaylis remind me of those men in different ways for example (spoiler alert for everyone abour villains heart)

Mikaylis: anger issues and locking up

Jeth: he literally cut me just because ı rejected, gets jealous and aggressive over everything plus he doesnt listen to me in good ending at all which is a huge red flag 

Ofc ı love them as a player because both of them's personalities are very interesting and ı would love to explore their inner mind so yea ı just hope ı will never meet people like them in real life XD they are not horrible but yea ı dont wanna be with person who reminds me of those people.

Perhaps this is why ı kinda loved Ruwin too at first ı was unsure about ıf ı  should like him or not but as ı watched him change his ways and try to be kinder ı immediately loved him because he did his best to improve ;w; tho ı prefer a man who is supportive and emotional -w-

Hellooo! thanks for the post. Oh ı was actually following your twitter posts so ı managed to catch many beautiful fanart from there hehe >w< they also belong to my ADW fanarts folder :3 All of your arts sooo cool!! also ı think your drawing style is really good 0w0 ıts smooth but also detailed? ı have zero knowledge in art x-x anyway ıt look wonderful! and ı find Ruwin fanart (the shoujo one lol) very accurate because ı was having similar thoughts!! XD ı guess Ruwin was one of the characters ı managed to see most change in ADW (everyone had craved their own way in this adventure but Ruwin's feels more open and different) plus ı love your transient one! mirror eyes are very interesting concept actually! but ı wonder why ıt has ıts specific showing up settings (ıf ım using the word right haha ^^;) perhaps ıts related to her emotions?

Well..... my fav character is Lor! XD but ıf ı could try to pick for a second favorite one ı guess ı wouldnt be able choose between katnir, ashur and samuel ı love these 3 men in their own way alot that ı guess trying to create a list would impossible for me because ı would probably end up putting these trio in same rank XD 
basically ı love everything about Lor so he ends up with 1st place but ı love how calculating and caring katnir is, how silly and carefree ashur is (ı feel like he is type of guy you wouldnt have to worry about make any kind of mistake or joke (as long as ıts not rude) in front of him) and ı love how samuel can support and reassure you while always try to understand your view (he is very good at empathizing ı think). of course this is how ı see them perhaps ım wrong at some things ı think they have ^^;;

as for me finding the ADW: ı was kinda searching for some free games so ı could stop being overwhelmed by my university and have some little relaxing time. and then ı saw ADW game :3 ı thought art looked so cool and ı remember that ı was like ''oh art looks so niceee....wait.... THİS GAME HAS BATTLE SKİLL ANİMATİONS???''  and downloaded the game XD and yes ı got hooked by the story loved the characters way too much that ı got completely attached to game even to the point of feeling soo nervous with each quest because ı feared something bad could happen to them and didnt want to lose any fight thinking they will get hurt or worse.. die.. so yea ADW was a complete amazing rollercoaster of emotions and experiences for me >w< maybe my over panicking didnt allow me to relax much (but my main goal was escaping from reality and yes this game definitely helped me with that so ı dont mind) but I get soo much precious times that ı wouldnt trade for something!!! ı love this game but ofc ı also love other games like Soul union too!! (ı played them while waiting for new ADW update -w-) ı guess my overhype could bee seen as ı keep jumping on every new post  X3. again thanks for sharing super cool fanarts yay (oh and ıf you want me to delete the fan arts from my folder ı will since they are yours ı wouldnt want to disrespect :3)

ıts fine! ^^ ı dont really mind it you can send a text whenever yo feel like  :3 . 

True both me and the class ı tried to present the math topic was bit unlucky this time haha XD hopefully ı will either learn to adjust my level or find a good class. about sleeping thank youu ım trying >-< ı guess ım just trying to push myself since my semester didnt end yet but ıts close so ım trying to survive thorough it in hopes for resting in holidays XD. 

Thank youuu ı was really proud of myself when ı suddenly had this story in my mind while listening to that music. İnspirations can be a life saver in creativity :3 . I am really glad story had good balance for you! ı was trying to use opposite words to make story more interesting and strong and ıt seems like ı achieved my goal yaay -w-  

yes yes true Lor can be very serious and probably people who dont know him enough might step back :3 tho ı think he would also mean his words although he is mostly harmless so thats why ıt makes them intimidating 0w0

as for teaching.... ehhh my level is too hight for them sadly so even they would be interested in stories in my micro teaching video my university prof told me that my level is higher than student's level so they were having difficult time to keep up tho she also said ıf ı try this lesson plan on high level class ıt would give amazing results hopefully ı will try to do my best on that haha XD maybe in future they will love me. ıf ı can be a teacher ;w; things are bit complicated here

thank youu >w< my mind likes sleeping alot so ı cant keep it awake most of the night time anyway ıt only stays awake when ım too stressed for some deadline or exam on the corner x-x 

ı actually one little story draft ı once wrote... ı call it draft because ı havent polished it yet alot like ı want to make emotions and thoughts appear more clear thorough the movements but ı havent find a chance to do it yet. though my few friends told me ıts beautiful even in this shape so ı will drop it here too :3 ıts been a while ı showed my stories and poems to someone so ım overly excited haha ^^;;; sadly this is a tragic one but ı saw this one so vividly while listening some sad instrumental song so ı wanted to write it hopefully one day ı will rewrite it in polished version ^^ : 

one day in midnight strangely white woman slowly reaching the old home she once stayed in remembering the days with her father while she slowly walk towards she looks at the city street below the hill she is on and remembers the day she was little she watched people who are in night festival and there are many tons of red orange and yellow in the festival lights and fabrics of people's clothes or even decorations on shops she remembers that she wants to attend to festival but her father stops her saying that that place can be pretty dangerous for her and he adds since people dont know them they may be careful around them either then to make his daughter happy he simply teaches her one dance that happens to be played by the dancers in the festival (something close to a ballet) womans remembers the memories and reaches the home. sky having no stars and moon being crescent there is not much light on house which makes unable to tell how big it is but ıts not difficult the say ıts a pretty big house. woman enters in waltz around entrance floor then she slowly speaks ''ıts seems like I have arrived on time as ı promised'' her face expressions are unreadable yet her acts and voice is calm. she slowly takes off her long coat and lights one of the old lambs on the wall her black color dress gets seen as she takes off a ballet shoes off her bag and wears them. after getting it done she puts her other shoes in front of the exit door. she walks into complete darkness until she stands on the middle of the room. she slowly turns around seeing nothing but pith black because of the lack of light. she slowly inhales and exhales before she starts speaking again ''today ı will do my one of best dances ı worked so hard on. ı hope ıt will go well'' she softly smiles to darkness as ıf she waits a response.. in complete silence. she breaths again and closes her eyes slowly doing a bow and starts to her dance she remembers every move of that festival dance she saw on that city.. which also she practised many times in these walls.. she remembers the colors she also remember how everyone smiles in those colors.. but these were not the only time she saw these pretty colors either... she turns around her gracefully while her movements becomes more and more fast with time remaining her eyes closed.. she remember the time when she saw those colors in this house.. as she was walking towards her home. she remembered the memory a little girl looking at her house with huge Suprise.. she saw these colors wrapping up her house ... everywhere moving lively around the house... a fire... her dance becomes pretty fast.. with her eyes closed she can almost see it again.. seeing everything.. every furniture was swallowed by those pretty colors making a massive scary noise of crackling a girl screams top of her lungs calling out for her father.... scared crying... afraid of those colors getting bigger and bigger she screams.. then suddenly woman falls into the floor as her feet trips over a stone....woman slowly opens her eyes.. this times she was floor clearly and all those black dust she actually swiped everywhere on it. she slowly looks up. a white light coming inside of a house from broken ceiling showing the sky.. she notices ıts already morning.. she looks at the house .. broken black Furnitures fallen over chandelier and tons of many other black ''stones'' once were different things.. she gets up slowly and then chuckles ''sorry ı got ahead of myself.. but ı do still think ı managed the dance very well except the end'' ... '' what do you think father?'' she spoke to complete pitch black mountains of burned wooden poles,marble ,stone and the fallen upper floor..

ım glad your meal was good hehe food is something ı really love so to me people should enjoy it always!

aaa thank youu ıt makes me so happy that you liked it ;w; in my mind ı actually thought little star as a person and the shining light they have as a potential they have while they face the ''harsh /dark reality'' and since they get confused or maybe afraid they try to return the daylight which is their comfort zone since they are afraid of reality.... this topic is something ı struggled alot and saw few people do the same and somehow in my mind this lullaby and all these thoughts mixed very well into each other :3 ım rather proud of it since ıts supportive type of poem and having feedback for it makes me even more happy >w< yaayy

(1 edit)

aaaa angry Lor :3 no matter what emotion he has he is pretty cute to me either way >-< your drawing is really amazing! I cant help but notice how detailed his fluffy hair is 0-0 same goes with eye lashes ^^ he looks super cool! 

Aww thank you so much maybe ı could search for my one old small story since ıts the only polished story that ı didnt write for teaching (well yes ı have zero ebility to keep children quiet on engaged myself so ı try fictional stories to do this work for me) ı will share it once ı manage to find it >_<

Ooh ı hope you enjoyed your meal :3 ıts fine for me ı couldnt come back anyway haha

sorry ı kinda did sleep ouch normally ı could survive staying up late but these days ı cant. 

(1 edit)

Aaa ı would be very happy ıf you would do that haha :3 ofc ı would ve super happy of you would want to draw Lor ^^ 

Hmm yes ı should try to write my stories into paper.. Who knows maybe they will end up good 0-0 and thank you alot for being ready to read them aww that means alot to mee ;w;

And thank you for amazing compliments on my works yaaay your words nake soo proud :3 ı would love to share more but sadly ots too late here now so ı dont have much time left digging for photos in my galery ıf ı dont decide to stay awake until midnight haha

I would be very happy yalk with you either about the game other topics! I actually had abother friend from these posts lol ı am being social thanks to ADW. Sadly my country banned Discord though so ım not sure what can ı suggest ıf you want to chat with me or we could just keep texting each other in here XD 

(I might reply really late to this bcs ıts 1 am here and ı might fall asleep) 

(4 edits)

OMG and here ı was trying to ctach every glimpse of lor picture ı could get by taking screenshoot in the game or downloading art from creator's social medias.. ı cant believe such a beautiful fan art came so gracefully ;w; ım the one who is blessed haha  thank you so much for sharing aaaaaa >/////< ım also so honored that someone actually thought of my embarrassing fan girling and drew amazing fanart 0w0 (ım also honored to be called #1 Lor fan ^w^)

Oh ı create but ı dont think they have many flaws... ı usually write poems or write very small stories! I have alot larger and promising stories in my head but ı never tried tow write them because for some reason ı feel like they wont look same as they are in my head and they will be on paper.  and ı would love to share thing ı did yaaayy ı always love to get different ideas about my creations so ı would be more than happy to show lol here is my most recent poem :3 (ı got inspired by children lullaby twinkle star so yea ı used similar sentences ) :

''Once upon a time,
In an endless wide canvas,
A tiny star did reside,
Amidst the pure blackness.

Your small light, a guiding flame,
Pulls you from the void's dark claim.
But, afraid of the night’s unknown,
You hid in the day, ignoring your glow.

Twinkle, twinkle, oh little star,
Don’t fear the path that’s out of sight.
It isn’t the night that swallows your light,
But the resistant hesitance of your heart.

When the day’s so full of light,
Your shine fades in the bright.
You can’t see the power of your spark,
Until the dark tests your might.

When the blazing sun is gone,
And nothing else shines upon,
Only then you see your light,
Twinkling through the quiet night

Though the way’s hard to trace,
You wouldn't see your own grace.
Without your tiny, guiding spark,
You'd be lost in the dark.

Twinkle, twinkle, oh little star,
Don’t be afraid to show who you are.
even ıf your light is small and slight,
It will always be with you all night.

Twinkle, twinkle, oh little star,
Up above the world, so far.
With your beautiful shining grace,
You are a diamond in this space.

I also try to draw time to time! but ı cant draw on my own ı can only draw by looking at inspirations sadly ı couldnt draw much this year but ı have 2 Lor fan arts ı struggled so hard to draw good enough lol lemme share them too -w- you may see them on gacha date comments too haha :3 

and here is some silly doodles:

awww thank you so much for the comment about my overworking yea even my own teacher told me to stop at some point but ı was in too deep already :') next time ı will try my best to proctect my health too since ım kinda dealing with burn out rn ;w; just like you, ı will do my best XD

nooo ı would be so sad ıf Lor would stop doing thaat ;w; and yea ı was super nervous the times ı choose the old one's side because ı was afraid my guild will abandon me thankfully they didnt yaay ^^

hahahha yea Lor and Beisel seems to have some difficulties about getting along but ı love them both alot !!  Ohhh noona it is then sorry ı mix words alot ;w; and thank you for explaining it to me ı was wondering about it since ı saw it several times. and thank you for answering me sorry ıf ım acting too pushy also ı can get excited while talking about this game ^^;;

OH BTW there is a realistic style Beisel fan art in the posts of this main game! ıts called ''ADW doodles'' by SoluneMoon ı think you should also check it since you like Beisel (there is doodle of Lor too :3)

HAPPY NEW YEAAAARR!! hehe :3  (ıdk ı just love showing up in here when ı feel like there is a room for me) 

OMG ım so happy the DW game's community is growing lol XD and ım soo happy that this game had good impact on you :3 

Oh ıts amazing that you can draw and make song ! these are wonderful skills (sorry ı saved the lor fanart... definitely ended up in my fav fan art folder :3 oh but ı can delete it back ıf you dont want  to ;w;)  and soo happy that you started to use them again no matter how ''wobbly'' they are ım sure they are amazing (you cant tell me otherwise this Lor fanart is too perfect to call otherwise an dım sure same goes with the music).

oof university is hard.. ı just finished filming and preparing detailed lesson plan for my micro teaching class and all preparations took my one months and even with that ı had to work to 2-3 am to make things completed since ı had to work on other classes too.  but even while burning out ı was keep playing this game (slowly sadly because otherwise work might not be done) and yes ı really love how everyone support Transient one! 

maybe a little spoiler: but once you choose a side the ways characters talk doesnt change in big degrees when ı noticed that ı was kinda relieved because they just supported me and acted kind to me regardless ;w; and ı was feeling guilty even tho ı played both sides at the same time lol. The way they kept being same and supportive gave me a huge relief. ı guess this game is kind of healing my side that afraid of being disliked.  

And thank you for posting this post here :3 ı always feel happy to see new people around >w<  ı hope you will enjoy other side games too!! 

oh and ı love Korea yay ^^  sadly ı cant understand much from words but onee-san is something ı have heard before... from manhwas ı guess?  but ı am happy you liked Beisel yaayy she is like my favorite female character :3 tho Lor will be my always favoriteee ^w^ 

Again happy new year ı hope your passionate will keep growing with this new year (dont forget to be careful for your health also!)

Hellooo! And Merry christmas! 

Oh ı hope the bugs will be gone easily this time. I think they will?  Because the more time someone usually spend time on something they get better at handling it. So ı believe ıt will be amazing in no time :3 new contents looks amazing yaaay! Im excited to play this new update after finishing the main games last update ( ı couldnt play it much due to getting too much work to do ;w; ) I am really happy that there will be  new sides of the LIs to see! ^^

Aaa ı cant wait to plaaay thanks for everyone who worked hard on this ım sure game is amazing 🤗

Oh ım really sorry for all this negative situations(except making musics part ^^) you had to experience. Health is always most important thing in this life so ım actually glad you get help from professional yay and ı really hope you will feel better soon not because of game stuff but because your well being is precious and ı hope you will be able recover and be happy & healthy soon ^^ 

ommggg realistic verion of Beisel and Lor 0-0 they both look so cool :3 !!!! 

(4 edits)

Helloooo I am back after finishing 10th update in both sides!

I guess with this update my favorite side could be the old one's side haha :') maybe ıt was quiet obvious from my old comments in 9th update but seeing how eve, jonas and ashur get along and how they also care for everyone too just feels wonderful to me ^^ 

After talking with eve ı guess ı could say she is more carefree and more ruthless? (well ı guess when ıf you get into her bad side ^^;) although she also seems someone moves with logic... although she says she doesnt like all humans or at least care for all of them in both sides she shows certain emotions telling otherwise. maybe she just acts though while caring deep inside? that would match with what Ashur said in gacha date too haha XD and for some reason her act kind of reminded of a cat too? especially in her interactions with Ashur she sounded more like huge cat haha ^^  or ıts how ı imagined her ı dont know. 

in old one's side everything except how god's reacted to me was actually pretty good but ı cant help but feel gods are either showing their displeasure to me with that dream or ıt meant something bad ım not sure ^^; 

even in my whole play in old one's side ı actually enjoyed alot except with seeing ''you are doing wrong'' signs time to time XD. 

God's side was alot more comfortable on that point but ı got really emotional once ı won and Eve and Jonas didnt even say something that... for every winning they were somehow encouriging me even? seeing how they acted and how they accepted their fate with a smile actually made me very emotional. I thought they could maybe want some time with Ashur but they also refused that and left the poor guy alone. After that scene tbh ı couldnt get any happy haha :') even when ı noticed how gods were acting alot softer than other side and giving me cute dreams ı was like ''.... yeah ı literally destroyed a reunion and they even supported me before going'' honestly ı would hurt less they would get mad at me or say mean things haha but their kindness were worse for me :'). Maybe my fear of losing loved ones made me emphatize with Ashur and feel emotional at that scene

ı cant say ı didnt feel relieved since ıt almost felt like being forgiven but ıt still hurts alot ;w;.  (well crown side was super calm and respectful too but knowing their outcome ıt didnt bother as how old ones' outcome did)

ı cant say ı dislike gods side though but ıt almost feel like ı am receiving great happiness by destroying other's happiness and ı cant believe ashur simply forgave me too? ım not sure which side transient one chooses to get  gacha date game but ıf ıts either way and he forgave me after destroying every effort he did then wow... (edit ı forgot he was saying ''ı should be happy playing with you after you sided with gods'' haha XD ı just remembered  so yes he forgives transient one even with god's side play.. just wow       0-0 ) though ıf thats the case how did eve and jonas managed to survive? 

ı dont know... ıt just feel bizarre to me that the people everyone calls ''monsters'' are actually the ones who created the developers and sacrificed their power to make developers work on their world.  or after thousand years they finally have a moment in the world only to people try to get rid of them ^^;;  
ı wonder how others would feel ıf they knew the full truth. I noticed queen was less enthusiastic when she was talking with eve and jonas after winning in crown side. perhaps she noticed something too but decided to ignore.

I was also curious with that forbidden book and that progress ı thought she had to do some ritual after winning in crown side but ı guess gods simply took the matter. at first ı couldn't understand why that book was forbidden but after Eve approved my one theory ı thought ıt is because since that rituals works to delete old one's essence and technically their whole being was distributed in all world so world can continue. knowing such ritual means not only you can delete old one's essence but also other beings as well? ıf so that would make sence why that book is forbidden (ıdk why ı just focused on that now maybe because ı just noticed this detail right now haha)

still even though ı get emotional in crown's side ı still think ı love both sides alot even crown side feels less emotional ı can still see Queen miyetta's struggles and how much she tries her best to be a good ruler without harming everyone... well she needs to work on ''being cooperative''  more but ı can still see her efforts on some matters like how she doesnt like killing innocent children because of their parent's acts. maybe those kids remind her how she survived? regardless ı feel like she could get better with time.

although ı kept talking about outcomes until now ı also checked all activities in camp area and noticed there were small details depending on which side you choose (the new members depending on your side and some common units' talk) ıt was fun to see both sides' talks ^^ ı also noticed my original elite team and deita says same things regardless of the side ı choose and ı kind of read it as they dont care which side ı choose and keep cheering me on (maybe ı read too much but ıt makes me happy to think like that) 

anndd this is the end of my thoughts for now yay this update had lots of fun talks even though main focus was the war thanks for the all the hardwork! ^^

now ı want to share few little bugs ı noticed :3

1- :DD Mikaylis' extraordinary healing skills haha 

2- Jeth kind of attack his own team in old one's side? lol XD ıt actually helped me alot since he literally reduced his own hp ı didnt take ıts screenshot or lost it 

3- yay extra talk after bond level 4 :D

4- where are you queen 0-0 (ı guess ıt happens in bond talk 3 and 4? ım not too sure but ıt happens 2 times)

these are the ones ı managed to catch! hope ıt helps! thank you for this amazing update :3

OOH Happy halloweeen ^^ ıts pretty ok for me and thank you so much for seeing my messages quickly :3 ı hope ıt will be nice trick&treat night for you ^^

(4 edits)

So ı tried to open my old save from end of mission 9 and talked with Eve again she said she joins to guild. Once ı talked this ı re opened my guild list and somehow still cant see her?

then ı decided to try my luck with sewers and went there.. to make sure ı also put jonas on mid just in case ıf her name has out of the section for some reason she didnt appear again so ı also tried my luck with in tavern to see maybe ı can talk with her so ı picked tavern but ı also couldnt see her name again as there was no one to talk with(since ı already talked with everyone except her and miyetta in both sides already) 

(1 edit)

yaaayy ım so excited for this new update thanks for the all hard work ^^ ! I was actually playing the game and then ı realized some bug ı think so although ı didnt finish the update ı decided to share it. 

I decided to start from old one's side and Eve told me that she is officially in my guild now but once ı tried to see her on the guild list ı couldnt find her anywhere so ı thought maybe she will appear in war but ı still cannot see her name :') so ı guess ıts a bug. ı havent checked queen's side for this matter though so ı dont know ıf ıts same with miyetta