Sorry to be a bother, and to clarify i'm just talking/venting here. i was so bothered by the lack of clarity on what seemed like something oblivious i came back to just clarify what i mean by "christian experience."
The "christian experience" is about lewding ones own wife or soon to be with marriage happening before any physical lewding occurs. BDSM and "softcore" qualify as there's no actual sex happening. Again, nothing wrong with such games existing, this is just to clarify what i meant. Furthermore in this "christian experience" all characters are REQUIRED to wear clothing and value shame higher than anything else. Regardless of what the world the author seemingly makes the world is presented like it's an alternate world that has found "God" and "Jesus Christ" perhaps to be relate able? And of course there MUST be combat "for GOD AND GLORY!" And the game seems to qualify as a "hentai/porn" game by the author only because the "sex" that does happen is not being done for procreation but for lust. And of course "breast milk" is considered "for babies only." You know, a "Fantasy" experience!