Hello! Welcome to Feedback Quest 7! My name's Hythrain and I'm one of the hosts and one of the streamers for this event! This feedback is being written live as I stream your game! If you're interested in seeing my live reaction, let me know and I can send you a link to the VOD once it's posted to YouTube!
So my normal approach for any game in these events is simple: I get the game, make sure it's not a virus, then play it with as little information on how to play as possible. This way, I can judge how intuitively someone can figure out the game. Only if it's obvious that I need to read more will I do so. I note this so you can get a sense where some of these feedback comes from. In addition, I want to note that feedback and rating are different; don't use this feedback to gauge what I'll rate, nor should you view my rating as entirely indicative of my feedback.
My god, the Harold love. I know NOTHING about Harold, but both your game and the other Harold game in FQ7 have certainly made me curious.
This game's mechanics were a lot of fun for me. In general, the combat felt very simple but challenging. Yet at the same time, it was challenging in a way where by the time my mistakes would be adding up to me needing to heal, the stage would end and I would be restored. Of course, right as I was saying this on the stream was when I encountered the green bats, immediately eating my words. XD But I still stand by it. I never felt like it was too hard, though. The final boss took me a few turns, particularly because I hadn't been using dodge as much as I should've been prior and thus had to build its use into my gameplay finally. XD
I think the only thing I didn't like was not being able to full screen it. Clicking out of game is a serious threat for me as I lose specific track of where my mouse is but still know it's general position and then my hand begins to drift and I don't notice at all and please save me. D: