You guys are such champs, thank you so much for spending so much of your valuable time playing my unpolished game! Since the theme of this Jam was, "it's been there the whole time" I put the front door key back into the door when it closes behind you. Unfortunately it's so small, and if your flashlight goes out there isn't much light to see it.
The flashlight can be reloaded with R, just like a gun, but there's a bug when you combine it in your inventory that consumes all your batteries at once, so that kind of broke the game a little.
I'm really sorry about that false key upstairs, I had no idea that was there. This is a good lesson in why it's better to build off of a blank scene rather than a demo scene. I removed so many items and rearranged quite a few things, but simply didn't know about so many of the "interesting" items there. Oh well, learning such lessons are what these Jams are for!
Again, thank you guys so much for playing, and I hope it was an enjoyable experience! I'll try to get to your submissions soon!