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I think I am pretty done here. I don't like defending Trump because I dislike his temperament and the types of people that attracts, but I absolutely detest Kamala.

Megalomania: Noun. Obsession with the exercise of power.

Kamala was a District Attorney for San Francisco and then Attorney General. She has done terrible things during her tenure. She also applies the law differently for different groups of people. It pains me to see Americans not wanting to talk to the other side, and actors like her worsen the rift.

Take a look at a few of these youtube vids:

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Trump's most megalomania moment was the "muslim" ban. In actuality, it was legally passed, and only banned travel from troubled countries dealing with ISIS/Terrorism and not countries like Indonesia or Egypt which are the largest muslim countries. A close second is pulling out of the Paris Accord, since I feel like he has no right to do that, HOWEVER if you read the details carefully, it is not enforceable. Countries like China aren't doing their part. It does nothing but put a shackle on countries that are more ambitious with their pledge. I personally think a moron wrote and signed the US' pledge. It sounds "nice" but it is nothing less than an attack on amerians prosperity when you realize all the sacrifice it takes to, for example, get net zero carbon emissions by 2050 and 50% by 2030. Since 2015 it is only down 6% and not because of a lack of trying. A big portion of that was due to covid. Youll have to force people into worse living conditions and make them eat the bugs to make progress on this front. Governments in europe and US have been bullying anyone they can. I am particularly concerned with the farmer situations. Farms in efficient countries are being closed down, but it is not like that means people can handle eating less. We will simply import it from somewhere else, that is less efficient and causes bigger environmental damage, all for the sake of virtue signaling that they reached their goal and are now clean innocent angels.

My concern with Kamala is that we have seen what happens in countries where Judges/Attorneys take control of power. There is something very fishy about someone's personality if they have taken sadistic pleasure in locking innocent people up, letting guilty people go, and being very tough on young and non violent offenders, and then still seek even higher power. She got ahead in her Attorney days by getting favors from criminals she didn't pursue, like Steven Mnuchin. Compare her rise to Donald's. Not anyone can turn a small loan of a million dollars into what he has right now. And before he even announced running,  Trump was regarded as a hero. First they made jokes about him, then they panicked and slandered him, and then tried framing him. For someone SO HATED I want to know why. Him being a Russian agent was a hoax. It got debunked. Clinton paid a Russian agent to make up fake dirt to be able to spy on him and have access to all his emails, calls, texts. They couldnt find shit and they had access to EVERYTHING. 3 year investigation went nowhere. In the mean time he was straightening out NATO, warned Germany relying on Russian gas was stupid, lowered tensions with N Korea, slowed China's aggressive fake island expansions, brought back good jobs, and negotiated better trade deals. US and the world was much better under him, and the establishment (most democrats and the rhino/lincoln project republicans) wanted him out. No wonder. He got shit done and proved it can be done. They are the swamp fearing they will be drained. That's why I think he is slandered so much. And yeah, some people eat it all up. Yes, you are right to say he has a potty mouth, I am not blind to it, nor am I blind to his shortcomings YES. I see it too!!! But I just think that is the lesser evil. And to my way of thinking, now that all these things have been debunked, he was almost assassinated, and he has nothing to gain from running, it makes me wonder that maybe all this slander is coming from evil people trying to manipulate my opinion of an effective leader.

They said he'll do bad things if he wins 2016. He didnt. Far from it. Now they say it again. I just dont believe it.... I dont have the memory of a fish. If you want to read about his exploits go right ahead. Tell me he is a racist. I still think he is by far the lesser evil than what is going on in the shadows.

Megalomania is more than obsession with power. But even if this is what your definition is, this 100% would fit Trump. He was so obsessed with it, that he made claims about election fraud out of thin air and with no proof, after he learned that he lost. He also repeatedly mentioned a third term for him, should he have won the election 2020 or would win 2024. If that is not obsession with power, then what is?

One trait of megalomania would entail constantly talking about how great you are. Something Trump is not known for, or is he? ;-)

Promising to build a wall and have the other side pay for it does also fit the bill. Or fabricating stories how people would break in tears over their worship of you.

Or where did you hear that fairy tale that he made a fortune out of a measly one million dollar loan? It is lies he tells. Read it up. It is about half a billion that flowed from father to son over decades. The exact amount is hard to tell, because of all the fraud and obfuscation that was done. But that it was a million is a delibarate lie to look like a self made billionaire. It is understating the true amount by a factor of x100 to x1000.

Note, I am not exactly talking about how good or bad the candidates are. But I do talk about how you deny his megalomania. That you fell for his 1-million-dollar-loan boast lie is concerning. Please do not form your opinions  on the basis of lies.