Eae, here is a list of Errors and bugs that i found:
1° If you press F12, and press Continue the game bugs out.
2° Now that i have more rope i understand why i don't have a rope in this shortcut. It's broken, i can't use it, and now i can't retriever either.
3° This boss is stuck (i don't think he is suposse to guard this place like this).
4° I think this is a bug btw and not a feature. So apparently the Soviet Bunker doesn't count to the Dungeon limit per week. (And I think it should count, because i can farm this place like a motherfucker and have 100+ Mysterios Syringe, Ancient metal and, Power sorce. I am not even count the normal loot of this place and the amount of guns. Plus theoretically i don't need to fight any monster if i don't want to. So why i can choose if i want to fight or flee a battle? And why the fight just apper out of nowhere?)
5° Some chest appear as the default one and then change to this lockers if i open them, and some don't even change. Examples;
6° Now that i talked to "Walter White" and now that I have given his letter, Soung still haven't change to her "normal stats" and has lost her Hunter Skill. Her like this is so broken that i don't think that dis is intecional, like she is fucking hard carring me like a monster truck. She is steam rolling every fight and can kill alone a Ghoul and Quentin White with essy (Probably).
7° Both of this 2 Quest are still showing after i have finished does.
Now Some minor bugs;
8° The bike got stuck in this place (i can't ride it).
9° This camp fire i is the only one like this. (I may have lit it on fire at night, i don't know)
10° The Shrines of wellness doesn't make a sound when i give 50 silver. (have i wrote this phrase right?)
Btw im Sorry i was supposed to report these bugs yesterday but I forgot. some of them I wrote a while ago in a txt and forgot to report them. They are the last 3.