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Eae, here is a list of Errors and bugs that i found:

1° If you press F12, and press Continue the game bugs out.

2° Now that i have more rope i understand why i don't have a rope in this shortcut. It's broken, i can't use it, and now i can't retriever either.


3° This boss is stuck (i don't think he is suposse to guard this place like this).


4° I think this is a bug btw and not a feature. So apparently the Soviet Bunker doesn't count to the Dungeon limit per week. (And I think it should count, because i can farm this place like a motherfucker and have 100+ Mysterios Syringe, Ancient metal and, Power sorce. I am not even count the normal loot of this place and the amount of guns. Plus theoretically i don't need to fight any monster if i don't want to. So why i can choose if i want to fight or flee a battle? And why the fight just apper out of nowhere?)

5° Some chest appear as the default one and then change to this lockers if i open them, and some don't even change. Examples; 


6° Now that i talked to "Walter White" and now that I have given his letter, Soung still haven't change to her "normal stats" and has lost her Hunter Skill. Her like this is so broken that i don't think that dis is intecional, like she is fucking hard carring me like a monster truck. She is steam rolling every fight and can kill alone a Ghoul and Quentin White with essy (Probably). 

7° Both of this 2 Quest are still showing after i have finished does.


Now Some minor bugs;

8° The bike got stuck in this place (i can't ride it). 


9° This camp fire i is the only one like this. (I may have lit it on fire at night, i don't know)

10° The Shrines of wellness doesn't make a sound when i give 50 silver. (have i wrote this phrase right?)

Btw im Sorry i was supposed to report these bugs yesterday but I forgot. some of them I wrote a while ago in a txt and forgot to report them. They are the last 3.


Thanks for reporting these.

  1. This is an  engine related issue and as far as I know, there is not much I can do about it. There are ways to to fix this error, but it would take a lot of time and efford. Simply put, I will get to this one later.
  2. This rope is a little different than others. You have to interact with the tile under the rock with rope tied around it. This is simply an oversight and I will change this spot to work like the rest of rope rocks.
  3. That boss is indeed supposed to just stand in the doorway. I will be doing more elaborate encounter once I get to overhauling that area, but for now, this just ordinary unavoidable boss fight.
  4. You are right, this is a bug. Next patch will make the soviet bunker count towards the dungeon counter.
  5. That's a visual bug that happens because the are is not fully finished. I will fix it once I get to overhauling that place.
  6. That migh and might not be a bug.
    When you talked to Mr. White, who did you decide to join? If you joined Suong, then she will stay in her powered up state forever.
    If you joined anyone else and she still has those high stats, then that means she's bugged.
  7. This looks to be connected to a bug you reported earlier. When you were resetting the "tax the able" quest to get more money from people, the game was giving you more of the same topic. I fixed that bug in previous patch, but these topics still stayed in your dialogue options. New playthrough shouldn't have these duplicates.
  8. That's a bug, but it will take some time to fix. The game gives priorities to events in front of you instead of events you stand on. This means that the bike can become unusable if you park it in some very specific spots (There is one event above you and one in front of you . There is no way to get on the bike and like in a direction with no event, meaning the bike is pretty much stuck). You can simply advance a week and the bike will return to your house automaticaly. I will probably add a button that will let you turn your character on a spot as a simple fix.
  9. Yeah. That campfire lighting was broken. Fixed it.
  10. Also fixed this.

Again, thanks for finding and posting these. Some of these bugs must have been in the game for months or years, but you are the first one who bothered reporting them. Thanks. It really helps.

You're welcome. So about the topic, yes i decide to choose Soung, but i still think that she like this is abitt broken just like i told in the report. About the  "That boss is indeed supposed to just stand in the doorway", Some times when I get to this area he just comes at me, and other times he just stands there. That's why I thought something was wrong.  But anyway have a great day.


Suong being OP is only temporary. So far there are no consequences for joining any of the main characters so I decided to give the player powerful companions. As I expand the main quest, you will have to do more to get the powered up Suong, the generals, or to access Mr. White's shop.

As for the boss, the soviet bunker is randomly generated to a degree. It consists of roughly five locations and each location has three variations. It's quite possible that there is one variation of that room where the boss sprints after you.