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A member registered Jun 17, 2019 · View creator page →

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Thanks. I don't plan on stopping developing this game anytime soon.

As for the bugs, I fixed most of them. If you really want to, I can upload new version with a cheat code that will give you the amulet.

(1 edit)

Thanks for reporting these.

Church joining has changed a lot and compatibility between old and new versions is shaky at best.

If you loaded your old save where you already joined the church, then you should have a new "armor" in inventory called "Church talisman" or something like that (you can equip it in the "Other" slot). After that, go to the spot where the door used to be and interact with this spot:

The door should open now. If it doesn't work, try to equip / unequip the talisman. If you don't have the talisman at all and you finished the quest in the older version, then that's a mistake on my part.

As for the entrace bike bug and the shower but, I will fix these. Thanks for reporting them.

Small patch:

  • Changed the cave rope near your hideout to be more consistent with other ropes
  • Fixed the soviet bunker dungeon not counting towards the dungeon limit
  • Added a turn key. Hold "A" keyboard button and press a direction key to turn in that direction instead of walking there
  • Fixed minor campfire graphical bug
  • Fixed wellness shrine having no sound
  • Fixed favor database bug that made the game crash after unlocking one of the jobs Roman offered. Affected save files should work fine

There was an error in the favor database that was causing this. I fixed it and will be uploading new version soon. Thanks for reporting this.

Suong being OP is only temporary. So far there are no consequences for joining any of the main characters so I decided to give the player powerful companions. As I expand the main quest, you will have to do more to get the powered up Suong, the generals, or to access Mr. White's shop.

As for the boss, the soviet bunker is randomly generated to a degree. It consists of roughly five locations and each location has three variations. It's quite possible that there is one variation of that room where the boss sprints after you.

Thanks for reporting these.

  1. This is an  engine related issue and as far as I know, there is not much I can do about it. There are ways to to fix this error, but it would take a lot of time and efford. Simply put, I will get to this one later.
  2. This rope is a little different than others. You have to interact with the tile under the rock with rope tied around it. This is simply an oversight and I will change this spot to work like the rest of rope rocks.
  3. That boss is indeed supposed to just stand in the doorway. I will be doing more elaborate encounter once I get to overhauling that area, but for now, this just ordinary unavoidable boss fight.
  4. You are right, this is a bug. Next patch will make the soviet bunker count towards the dungeon counter.
  5. That's a visual bug that happens because the are is not fully finished. I will fix it once I get to overhauling that place.
  6. That migh and might not be a bug.
    When you talked to Mr. White, who did you decide to join? If you joined Suong, then she will stay in her powered up state forever.
    If you joined anyone else and she still has those high stats, then that means she's bugged.
  7. This looks to be connected to a bug you reported earlier. When you were resetting the "tax the able" quest to get more money from people, the game was giving you more of the same topic. I fixed that bug in previous patch, but these topics still stayed in your dialogue options. New playthrough shouldn't have these duplicates.
  8. That's a bug, but it will take some time to fix. The game gives priorities to events in front of you instead of events you stand on. This means that the bike can become unusable if you park it in some very specific spots (There is one event above you and one in front of you . There is no way to get on the bike and like in a direction with no event, meaning the bike is pretty much stuck). You can simply advance a week and the bike will return to your house automaticaly. I will probably add a button that will let you turn your character on a spot as a simple fix.
  9. Yeah. That campfire lighting was broken. Fixed it.
  10. Also fixed this.

Again, thanks for finding and posting these. Some of these bugs must have been in the game for months or years, but you are the first one who bothered reporting them. Thanks. It really helps.

Version 0.40.2 , which I uploaded few hours ago, should fix all of that. Download it, overwrite your old version and your old saves should work fine and those problems should be fixed. Billy will start selling animals and you should get the rope recipe, together with the working fridge and other fixes.

As for the suit, there are other outfits that work like you proposed. You can't wear them if you are too young. I just never got around doing the same for the bunnysuit, plus the sprites are already in the game. In the future, the suit will be most likely removed and it will stay as a reward outfit for finishing the game in certain way.

Small patch:

  • Fixed recruiting Roman crashing the game
  • Fixed some issues with "Tax the able" quest
  • Added rope recipe (quite expensive so use it wisely)
  • Small changes for Billy selling animals
  • Fixed "power storage" not building properly

If you encounter any bugs, please report them. You can always download older version to get around new bugs before I fix them.

Thanks for all these bug reports. It really helps.

Crash while recruiting Roman has been fixed.

I did some shufling and fixing around and the "Tax the able" quest worked for me now.

Driving sprite is "supposed" to work like that. I will make them work like other character sprites sometime later, since editing those sprites takes quite a bit of time.

Rope is meant to be a rare resource. There is a recipe but it was disabled for some reason. I put it back in. You will learn the rope recipe with "Basics of survival".

Billy should be selling animals. You need to have the barn built and you need to have 10+ relationship with him. I did some editing to those conditions since there was also a minor mistake that prevented him from selling the animals if you had the quest for buying him a new shotgun.

Electricity upgrade was broken. I fixed it and now you should have 25 energy storage together with a basic windmill. The fridge should now work too (Interact with the storage box to install it)

Bunnysuit was supposed to be something like an easter egg / joke. When it was added, it required really high stats to trigger that quest so it would take you several years to actualy get it. I didn't update that quest in some time so it is easier to get now. I will be changing the requirements in the future.

Again, thanks for these reports. I will upload new fixed version shortly.

Small patch:

  • Fixed opening the wolf's inventry in battle crashing the game
  • Fixed minor typo
  • Fixed the oven in Suong's house not working
  • Fixed the kobold shop and resource shop being linked
  • Fixed the water wheel upgrading using the old system

If you encounter any bugs, please report them. You can always download older version to get around new bugs before I fix them.

There was and issue with the water wheel. It was using parts the old upgrade system. I fixed it. Thanks for reporting this.

(1 edit)

You can "spam" this topic as much as you want. Every bug you report will help me make the game better. It doesn't matter if you post one very long post, or multiple short ones. 

As for the shop, I accidentaly gave these two the same ID. It is now fixed.

Thanks, fixed both issues.

You don't have to bother reporting gramatical and other text related issues, since the game is full of these and will need a full text check at some point anyway. Still, if you report them, I will fix them.

Thanks for the report. I fixed the issue. 

I will release a patch at a later date, since I don't think this is a progress stopping issue.

Small announcement.

Next update is pretty much ready to go. Only thing left is testing. I took some days off work and I'm aiming to release new patch this sunday. 

It will contain the faction system and update to the church faction, new battle backgrounds for most locations, random battle music and the continue option in the main menu. I wanted this patch to be bigger but RL keeps getting in the way, as it always does.

Next patches after this one will focus on fleshing out already existing features. More factions, more jobs and activities, added missing dialogue,... Things like that.

That's a tower where some of the later parts of the game will take place. It's the same one you can see in the alternate title screens and it is visible in the background of the mountain area.

I redesigned the main menu a bit to make it fit more with the ingame UI. I also added one new feature that was not requested, but will surely make everyone happy. Pressing the "Continue" option will now automaticaly load the latest save you made, so you don't have to choose your profile and then search for the latest save manualy.

Next update will have several small improvements. For example, most locations will have new battle backgrounds. I also added a simple system that picks a random battle music before every battle.

Glad you like the game. Real life keeps getting in my way so my work has slowed down, but I'm still working on the game. Next update should come out this month.

Side characters are AI generated. I had to touch them up and do the blinking and talking animations. Main character is made from pre-rendered images. 

I would like all character graphics to be made by hand, but I'm quite aware how long the individual updates take. Using AI in some capacity for most ingame graphics would make things easier, but I don't want to just relegate all the work to it. I still want the graphics to have some kind of personal touch.

As for mutations, what you said is pretty close to what I want to go with. Different acts will give you different mutation points which you will be able to use to unlock different mutations. I will be adding different mutagens you can extract from different animals and enemies, but you will also be able to get special mutations by interacting with certain artifacts, doing quests or just being at the right place at the right time.

I will be adding more mutations in the future. Animal based, deminic, eldritch and so on. 

The way you pick between those mutations is still something I'm not set on. "Skill tree" is probably what I'm going to do, but I will spice it up in some way. 

Transformation mutations like lycantrophy is something I'm also thinking about, but I'm not fully decided on that one either. 

While I want mutations to be large part of the game, they are not that high on the priority list right now. I will have to overhaul the character graphics first before I start working on them, but I will deffinitely add more mutations.

There are major and minor mutations. Minor mutations are just stat boosts and all major mutations are visible. You get (I think) three minor mutations and one major mutation every time your integrity gets too low. Major mutations are:

Tail, eyes, back spines, face scales, body scales,horns,wings.

Faction overview screen will show you all factions you encountered, your rank, standing points and it will also give you short description of your relationship and short faction description. Pretty much every NPC will belong to a faction.

No problem. Be sure to tell me if it happens again. It's possible that file got corrupted for some random reason, but it is also possible that there is some kind of bug I would have to fix.

Depends if it happened only once or if it happens every time you turn the game on. 

The engine sometimes hangs for no apparent reason and just throws a random error like this. It happens randomly, very infrequently and you can just turn the game back on and it should work normaly.

If it happens every time you turn the game on, then something went wrong. I never got this error and I have no idea what could be causing this.

Try deleting the "Settings" file in the "Data" folder. See if that helps.

Small patch:

  • Save profiles are now sorted from newest to oldest
  • Save profiles show the date of the last save made

Short heads-up. I'm dealing with some RL problems right now so that's the reason why the update takes so long. 

I will be releasing a mini-patch in the next few days that will automaticaly sort save profiles from newest to oldest. Factions are still in the works.

I'm also reworking the manual to make it more up to date. Expect it to work more like offline wiki instead of a pdf file. This will make editing it much easier in the future.

The game is not finished yet, so I set the end of the game at the end of the first year (full game will take 8 years before your sentence ends).

However, you can still continue playing without any issue. Your character will age and get different sprite every year, monsters and dungeons will still work and you can fight Mr. White as many times you want. 

At the end of the first year, you get a shitty ending (those are just placeholders) depending on your stats and things you did. If you then check the "UNLOCKS" option in the main menu, you will see all the stuff you unlocked and some hints telling you what you have to do to unlock more cheats and outfits.

You only unlock new cheats / outfits at the end of the first year. You can continue playing your save after that but you won't unlock anything new. Also, every save has unique number, so you can't just save two weeks before your game ends, unlock one outfit, load the save, raise different stats and try to unlock different outfit. The game will give you new unlocks once per save.

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STR increases your damage with melee weapons.

DEX increases your chance to hit. It also increases your chance for critical hit.

AGI determines how fast your action bar fills and your chance to dodge attacks.

INT increases how much damage you do with blood powers (magic).

Weapon skills increase your damage and hit / critical chance.

Trade skills have no effect on combat at all.

All ranged weapons should have hidden accuracy and speed stats. Automatic weapons have higher speed and rifles + schotguns have higher accuracy. High speed makes your action bar fill faster and accuracy increases your hit chance. For example, the dragunov rifle has much higher hit chance than any other weapon and you will rarely miss with it.

(1 edit)

The story is unfinished and ends soon after you make the choice. It has no effect on anything right now (chat UI color changes but that's about it), but if you choose one of the generals, you will be able to call them to your party. Suong should also be in her powered up state if you chose her. Joining White does nothing right now. He will still let you get ichor powers and sell you items even if you didn't join him.

All of this will change in the future however and there will be pretty big consequences for joining any of the four characters.

I should update the control screen. It is somewhat outdated. Here is the official control list:

Button is the generic button name. It coresponds to generic controler buttons. If you are playing on a keyboard and the game says "press the R button", then you have to press "W" or "Page Down". Bear in mind that sprint speed at the start of the game is really slow and barely faster than walking.

If you press F1 in game, you can change these controls a little bit.

I don't have that part planned out yet. Marriage is something that will left for the ending and you will only be able to have the romanceable NPCs as a boyfriend / girlfriend. I might make them move into your house at some point but that feature is not coming any time soon.

could you make another outfit that can make you look normal to people

I had that idea in the back of my head for a while, but I didn't bother implementing that just yet. Once the faction system is in and I add more factions, diguises and bribing will be a thing.

weapons like stronger and faster attacks

This is already partialy in the game. Dragunov rifle for example has a large bonus to accuracy, so you almost never miss even with bad stats. Knives attack much faster than other weapons and so do automatic weapons. Not all weapons have these bonuses yet, but I will get to that eventualy.

Demon Dragon could be a few different things, but I think of fire, wind, or water

Mutations will be more or less "realistic". These will change you physicaly in a way that makes sence, so there will be multiple animalistic mutations and other mutations like different skin color or extra limbs, eyes and stuff like that. Wind, fire and elemtal powers like that are reserved for "blood powers" you get from joining the church and Mr. White in the future.

Could you make a mutagen for the unlimited upgrade mutation so that it isn't random

Mutations will get an overhaul in the future. Once I add more mutation types, you will have some kind of way to choose from them so they won't be entirely random. I'm not fully decided how that's going to work just yet, but it is planned.

And will people be romanceable when you get older, like George and Helena,

George and helena will be the main romance options. I will be adding few more romanceable characters in the future, but you will only be able to romance other kids your age or certain younger NPCs.

could you make certain people not talk to because of your morality?

Morality will mainly affect the way you talk to people and your actions in certain events. In the future, I will be removing large portion of choices from events and your character will respond automaticaly depending on your morality. People will never treat you differently depending on your morality, but they will respond to your previous actions. If you had low morality and you did something bad to them, they will remember that. If you have low morality and you talk to someone you never met before, they will treat you nicely since they have no idea that you are evil.

I would love a potential demonic mutation

More muttations are planned. There will be more animal mutations, but also "proper" mutations. Things like extra limbs, eyes, stuff like that. Demonic mutations like horns or or different color eyes and skin are something that I would also like to add.

an adventures guild

This one is also planned. You will be able to join the mutant hunters (The green guys that attack you if are a mutant). You will be have pretty much any role in that guild that makes sence. Cooking food for guild members, making and fixing their equipment, healing the wounded and so on. It will be a place for pretty much any character, not just combat focused ones.

multiple skill classes

Don't know what you mean by this. I will be adding weapon specific and "class" specific skills in the future, so you can can develop your characters in more ways than just raising physical atributes, getting better equipment and raising weapon skill.

better understanding of character events like when they start and there time

This is something I have on my to-do list, but I can't really think of a good way to do it. The easiest way to do it is by making the world map icon of that location different color if an event is happening here, but I would rather make this more organic and "real". But getting information about event locations from other NPCs doesn't always make sence.

They also mention the need for church membership for post-mutation interactions with other people

This should be already in the game. If you mutate, some NPCs will not talk to you. If you join the church and wear the robes, they will start talking to you again.

the potential for military membership without siding

You will be able to join the Russians or Germans only through the main quest. However, there will be three more settlements you will be able to join no matter your main faction.

have a variety of different mutagens maybe some that don't reduce mood

More mutation sources are planned for future locations, mainly places that mutate you slowly if enter them without any protection like gas-masks. However, prety much all sources of mutation will still lower your mood in some way, since the process of mutating is painful and not pleasant. I could add a trait that will change that.

oh yeah i don't know why you cant fix your mood before the day is over when you hit -100

Going below -100 mood means game over. It is entirely possible to "soft-lock" your self, but this is quite difficult to do. You would have to be addicted to multiple drugs and have no money to buy more before the end of the week.

You can't accept a schedule that would lower your mood below -100, so you can't get game over that way. There is also the basic rest option that costs no food and gives you one mood point, so you can't get stuck that way either.

Anyway, these are all the options to raise mood in the middle of a day I can think of:

  • Working out with george
  • Recreation in your hideout (sunglasses icon next to a tree)
  • Talking to NPCs (George and helena give you more mood)
  • Drinking alcohol, doing drugs and smoking
  • Eating expensive food

Then there are some options that depend on your morality. If it's low, you can kill humanoids and animals to get mood bonus. If it's high, you can kill abominations to get mood bonus. 

have an item or skill so you can get that prevent mood from ever being negative

I could add something like that as an ulockable cheat, but adding this into base game would make more than half of the systems obsolete in a way. I could however add a warning that shows up if your mood is getting low. This is already in the game, but it shows only at the start of the week. I could make it show up after every battle or event that alters your mood.

i have a good idea for a kind of bad and good perk  you sacrifice all stat points down to 0 but u gain a lot more you could make those 2 separate

I have something like this planned for the new ichor powers. One of them will multiply your stat gains from all sources and one will multiply your skill gains.

Added new save format:

Each character you make will have separate 5 save slots. You can make as many characters as you want. Icons next to her name and the right panel show some small details to help you identify how far into the game your character is (These are taken from your last save for that character, not your overall progress). Your previous saves should work fine. These will be moved to the -OLD- folder.

Small QoL feature I've been working on today.

I wasn't happy with the limited amount of save slots on offer, but I also kinda liked the limitation in some way. To make save management more forgiving and pleasant, I implemented "save profiles". Every character you make will have its own save folder with separate save slots. Each character still has only five save slots, but the amount of characters you can have is pretty much unlimited. 

This system will detect and move your previous save files into "-OLD-" folder. Here you can load your old characters. Saving the game while playing those old files will create new folders depending on your characters name.

Yeah. I still have an insane amount of work to do, but I'm getting there. Also, I'm patiently waiting for ToK steam release. Good luck.

I had a some free time today so I did a proper check. 

All ghouls behave like this. I fixed it and they should work properly in next update. Thanks for reporting this.

I didn't have much time today, so I did only a quick check and didn't find anything out of ordinary.

Is it specific ghoul that restarts the battle instantly, or are they all doing this? If it's specific ghoul that does this, can you describe the map where he spawns so I can find him?

Construction progress now shows up in the week report window. This means all the features I wanted in the version 0.38 are there.

I will now start slowly working on the faction system. I will wait about 2 weeks before releasing the final 0.38 version in case some bug reports show up or if I find any my self. If nothing crops up, then I will release the full 0.38 version.

So if you find any bugs or have some suggestions related to the schedule system, don't be afraid to post them.

Once the 0.38 version is fully released, I will start fully focusing on the faction system, starting with the church. I will talk more about this system once I have something to show.