Bad news...
Since the first day I started this project, I unfortunately didn't really like it.
The reason I started it, was to test my game development skills and... that was the first mistake!
Instead of developing a game I was passionate about, I just made it for the sake of making another game.
Over the past few months, I have grown to like it but, it still isn't my passion project.
When I think of a game idea, I want it to be revolutionary! I want to push boundaries!
But SunSweeper, was none of them.
For example, in Reanimated (my past game), each run would be unique due to something called 'Controlled Randomness'.
I don't know if I have said this before but my passion is creating environments.
SunSweeper didn't have many environments (only 4 small scenes), so I couldn't really put my creativity in it.
Even though Reanimated only had 1 scene, but it was more complex than those 4 scenes combined.
In short,
I'm abandoning SunSweeper.
I might finish it one day,
but not now.
I'm excited for my next project because it will need a lot of environment art!
I have been learning a lot of modeling recently to prepare myself for that game!
I still don't have a name for it but I will think of one.
This will be the last project that I will ever abandon, because I have learnt my lesson:
"Don't Make Something You Don't Like!"
Even though I didn't finish SunSweeper but I still love it!
I love the story, I love the characters... and one day, I will finish it!
But for now,