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As I said its about the characters not how they look. It could have been just a text story and I still would have enjoyed it exactly the same.

I think that speaks wonders for your story writing skills. 

As for the "you should feel that you’re living a story, putting yourself literally in the shoes of the MC… not simply “playing a game”" 


For this part I would say the main part was where I had to choose between reiko and the science club and since irl i am my chess teams leader I felt that I could live myself into it via picturing chess vs one of my best friends etc. 

And that really gave me like the feeling of just the great way of how a visual novel should be giving you some feel for the characters. And thats nice! 

My sentences probably dont make much sense heh. Not because I cant structure my sentences or anything its just I enjoy being unpredictable with my speech. 

RIGHT !? .... right? ... T-T crying intensifies.. 

Moving on from my rather eccentric ways. 

All in all I enjoyed it(Its probably obvious but meh why not say it again?) 

And if you wanna talk about rather anything im open to chat on multiple social media all though it might take me a lil bit to get to them or it'll be really fast reply or slow considering I'm not much on social xP


Right, I think that an adequate feel for the characters while playing a VN is what a committed writer should be aiming at... and, suffice to say, it's in no way something easy to attain (which is why, being the sybarite I am at this stage as a VN consumer, around the 80% of the circulating games out there disappoint me xD). But if you achieve that as a writer, it's really rewarding... and I'm glad to make people like you enjoy the story telling in a game.

So, as for the characters... I'm guessing you meant their personalities, background in the story and such? Well, it's true that they fill some certain old tropes, not the most original admittedly, but this is the theme I wanted to explore after all, so I went for them knowingly.

Of course, I'd be glad to chat more with you, taking into account that the same issues regarding availability in social media and such go for me, too... albeit you can be sure that I'd answer all your messages sooner or later. You can leave your contact info if you want, or go to my blog (links are inside the game; the blog is in Spanish, but you can access my Facebook from there, even if it's not a very polished blog!).
