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A member registered Dec 10, 2019

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Mah mah wheres my 1.56 english version Ras. 

Been what now? 4 years ;-;

Damn now I feel really old.

Rereading some of my old comments felt weird in a good way mind you.

I recently only came back to itch and was looking through my old noties and found this. 

Weird to see it now again but honestly enjoyable.

Hope to hear from you soon


Ha. Ya know its funny really. 

Ive so many times been here thinking too myself. "Hey maybe i should pop him a hi, see how he is doing?".

And everytime i stop cause Im feeling down or in a lonely state. 

Hell as I type this I've retyped this. 

Do you even remember me from time too time?

I dont know why I'm typing this too a random stranger ive never met but eh. 

Put on a mask about loving coffee and everyone will believe it. Weird how we accsept everything so easily.

Mah mah 

Check ya around Ras 

Goodluck with your life and projects. I genuinely hope for the best with you.

From Curv-

Man. The first time I played this was nine months ago. Damn. I feel much older all of a sudde------- IS THIS A GRAY HAIR DE FU- 

There's no excuse for my random outbreaks of insanity. I either need more coffee or I need more coffee. 

Otherwise how ya been? Whats been up? Etc etc. I'm not even gonna ask for a update cause someone else has already done it earlier. Plus I'm more genuinely curious to hear how ya been. So neat stuff xD. 

Maybe not the same energy as what I normally give off but hey cut me some slack its 4:30am.

Good to hear^^

Ah understandable, you have to get the game running smooth before you update it visually. 

Fair enough.

Ah I get that. Still I'll eventually try out the new one when I get the laptop fixed. So other than that how ya?

No andriod yet?

I either need to learn spanish or uh. Uh. 

error excuse not found

Well damn guess I gotta learn spanish

I downloaded the game 3 days ago. And. Now it has a update T-T 

Just my luck.

(1 edit)

Ok so with cassie in the safe house what do i do. Nvm got it

*coughs in Android* 

If you have more than 5k in cash then you can lend the money to her^^

(1 edit)

Hey look. I like a game as much as any sort of gamer. But if you need a break or just time off or something take it. 

Sure you could draw and code and get it done etc etc but serious. Your no damn machine. So look I dont know you really or anything as friends or somethin like that. But I do care cause you genuinely seem like a nice person. I dont want you to burn out*^*

Heyo! Sorry for the delay on message I didnt get any notifications for it. But hey no problem I'm just waiting good things need time ^-^

Yeah fair point   

Coding takes awhile and errors can pop up etc

no prob I like the project so I wanna just try to lift the spirit 

Alrighty so played it. 

And I liked it. Pretty good tutorial and its fun enjoyable to play. 

There aren't any dialogue for Frankie and Claudia huh? Fair fair. 

The I like the entire thing not gonna lie. The lockpicking thing was cool. Im a lil sad there isn't  really that much content at the moment but I do understand test version and all. 

Plus I waited for friday cause it said the party in the dorm happens then. 

Still coming in?

Ah it's quite alright.

I'd say I can help you but ol friend here dont trust the Google translate and I dont know a lick of spanish either.

Np np ^-^

Alrighty well I finished the game. 1 am grind till the day I die squad\*^*/

But yeah I'll check it out and tell ya in a day  or so. 

Ah thats a fast reply. Thanks about that. 

Anyway let go XD 

So I've taken what you said and I'm gonna play the game after I finish a game thats 1gb big then I'll jam the game test it out and give feedback and etc. 

I also had to delete discord '-' 

Space and everything. 

But I'm gonna join dw.

But other than this hows the day been?

So any new progress?

Well this is interesting. 

What is the game about?  

Is it a H-game. 


How many routes are there?


This looks really interesting so I'll follow and see what the updates are.

As I said its about the characters not how they look. It could have been just a text story and I still would have enjoyed it exactly the same.

I think that speaks wonders for your story writing skills. 

As for the "you should feel that you’re living a story, putting yourself literally in the shoes of the MC… not simply “playing a game”" 


For this part I would say the main part was where I had to choose between reiko and the science club and since irl i am my chess teams leader I felt that I could live myself into it via picturing chess vs one of my best friends etc. 

And that really gave me like the feeling of just the great way of how a visual novel should be giving you some feel for the characters. And thats nice! 

My sentences probably dont make much sense heh. Not because I cant structure my sentences or anything its just I enjoy being unpredictable with my speech. 

RIGHT !? .... right? ... T-T crying intensifies.. 

Moving on from my rather eccentric ways. 

All in all I enjoyed it(Its probably obvious but meh why not say it again?) 

And if you wanna talk about rather anything im open to chat on multiple social media all though it might take me a lil bit to get to them or it'll be really fast reply or slow considering I'm not much on social xP


(1 edit)

I'll be waiting happily for the 1.54 eng update for android. 

Have a nice day ^-^

Edit: I felt that my reply for a game this enjoyable is rather lacking so let me just go drink a coffee real quick to get the brain juice going eh? 


I'm back 0-0

Now where was I? Oh yeah. 

So I liked the music it fit rather well in with the story and I'll be honest, the characters dont look the best but to me its light years better than what I can do so I wont discriminate against it.

The story telling is AMAZING *-* Like I cant actually say anything else you have to play the game for the reaction. 

The dialogue between characters were the best out of everything. (For me that is) 

Some made me laugh, some made me curious and others just had a of everything. 

So while I wait I'll be keeping tabs on the game. 

Plus I would day for the android the bottom right corner stuff like "back,save,Q-save" and etc. 

Did not work I had to use the phone's back arrow to go back dialogue and I had to hold it in if I wanted to go into the menu. 

Dont know if it was intentional or not xP

Fast reply? Where did you come from? 

What sorcery is this?

Ya know I havent even played the game or bought it but just seeing you reply to people with such a good personality makes me respect you and even willing to go get some money to buy the game.

XD random comment but come on someone has to be the random one right? RIGHT!? RRRRIIIIIGGGGGHHHHHTTTTT!!???


Ok I might be reminding myself of deadpool to much.

Ah good to know. 

But man I finished the story and honestly I went with julia first for obvious reasons then kayem and then Charlotte.

Charlotte I was very surprised even though I expected it later on. 

But all in all just give me a update on the game and I'll come run it again xD

But allas I talk to much so see ya a round 

Alrighty then. Played most of the parts and so far I enjoy it. 

Just a question anything on eileen? Is there any CG for her or any paths as of right now?

Just giving you some feed back the top left:  date , time and person isnt perfectly adjusted.

And there seems to be no sound. (Ill make a check up on this if need be)

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Well I'm busy downloading the only other link v7a. So I'll let you know if it works.

2.7gb of data probably used xD but it seems to be a good game that had allot of time spent on it so I'll give it a shot.

Edit: Ok I might be a idiot xDD 

V7a works I didnt really know what the apk's were only learned it like today while searching other visual novels. So I suppose it works. 

And btw thanks for a fast reply. 

I appreciate that.^-^

Hello I tried the android links and they didnt want to work. ( links) 

I have yet to try the links on mega.

Must I download all the andriod files? 

2 of the files for android didnt work so just a heads up on that.