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(1 edit)

Awesome game! Correct me if I'm wrong but there didn't seem to be an increase in difficulty with every new wave?
I stopped at Wave 10 with 152000 points.

- Loved the graphics
- Loved the sound effects
- I thought the concept was very imaginative and unique

I did wish there was some background music to accompany me though and I would have loved for each new wave to get more difficult

I did find one bug in playing which I think would have been difficult to spot in play testing and its wasnt a major or game breaking bug. However if you started stomping a field and a farmer came over and planted seeds before you finished, the field would get destroyed but the plant would stay. Then once the plant reaches its full growth cycle, the destroyed field returns and is now invincible, I couldn't destroy it again and I don't think the farmer could plant on it. Like a visual bug I guess,

Had fun playing this though, you should give yourself a pat on the back! :)


Hello! Hmm, maybe you're just to good at the game ;) Jokes aside, it's true that I tried to keep the game a bit easier for the duration of the jam, since I primarily wanted to showcase the concept. But I'll definitely ramp up the difficulty in a future version, maybe even with a difficulty selector.

Nevertheless, I'm happy to hear that you enjoyed the game, thank you so much for playing! :D