The Borg are fantastic villains! They always seemed like an intelligent, telepathic slime-mold to me. They are such fun monsters to me because the chance at empathy is there 'if only' you could get trough to enough of them. "If only" you could disconnect enough of them. "If Only" you could fight enough of them.
But you just can't get them all and if even one little bit survives they all come back!
Lovely, lovely, cosmic-horror-lite.
Later on the Replicators from Stargate:SG1 were a similar, but less human (At first) enemy that was fun to watch.
I love how the solution to both early on was "kill it with fire!" until both adapted to said fire, then in the end both had to be hacked. Because of course that's the solution nerds who write Sci Fi would come up with.
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