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A member registered Jul 26, 2021 · View creator page →

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I'm going to go write a book instead.

We are not smart enough for this while it is this hot outside.

Have another video.... saved for later...

Here's a video!

Why is fall so DANG HOT!?
I thought we were past that nonsense!

I can't even play Stardew Valley right now! >_<'

My mouse is still broken and my new one is sitting in front of me in it's blister pack.
Am I lazy?


I'm glad I have a wet-pet-vacume. I hope it's good with stains.

You'll have to fight the cheese sandwich bandits for it!

When I get closer to a finished game I may make a video in this tutorial and a few others. I see a lot of plugins and I wonder why they exist in the first place.

I think I remember the stream you were doing when the keyboard broke.
One key would spam dozens of short notes all at once. It wasn't super good sounding.

I also remember you getting your new one! It was a good day.

Learning is fun! Most of the time! ^_^
Does Unreal do 3D environments well? I may want to learn another game engine someday down the road.

That sounds expensive! A whole VR headset is quite the bit of equipment!

The Borg are fantastic villains! They always seemed like an intelligent, telepathic slime-mold to me. They are such fun monsters to me because the chance at empathy is there 'if only' you could get trough to enough of them. "If only" you could disconnect enough of them. "If Only" you could fight enough of them.

But you just can't get them all and if even one little bit survives they all come back!
Lovely, lovely, cosmic-horror-lite.

Later on the Replicators from Stargate:SG1 were a similar, but less human (At first) enemy that was fun to watch.

I love how the solution to both early on was "kill it with fire!" until both adapted to said fire, then in the end both had to be hacked. Because of course that's the solution nerds who write Sci Fi would come up with. 

L337 |-|4X!!!ONE111!!!

I also put my neck out by sitting wrong in my chair, snuggling wrong with my cat.... Yay cat-nerd-lady problems!

I don't think the first time I read this reply I could truly grasp what you were saying, so I waited to reply. Now that I have dabbled in a a number RPG maker fights of my own making. Now that I have played with the monsters, and re-red the tutorial comic a few times, I can see what you mean.
I aim to give the monsters a number of weaknesses and strengths to force the player to make strategic decisions as they go along. Defense, offense, attacks both physical and 'magical' are all things I want to use to knock a player off balance and have to think on his or her feet.
What I now also understand is that I'm going to be play testing these fights for weeks to get the balancing right.
Thank you again, this answer gets more helpful the more I comprehend it!

Thank you so much for these! I really ought to catch these streams more my self. You have reminded me of a community I forgot I like to pester!

I have, in fact, added dairy back to my diet to see if it's still bad for me.
It is still bad for me.
I will learn nothing from this.

IT IS! And I had sleep!
And I've decided to archive and start over because remaking 90% of what I already did to fix a mistake wasn't worth it to me.

WOO for these learning projects! But learning I am! :D
*Party sounds*

I've only had 3 and a half hours of sleep thanks to a migraine. Why am I still deving?!?!?!?


I will see them all... eventually! 
Thank you!

Also... Can I haz nap?

Learning can be a project all of it's own. I've never dabbled in Unreal, but it looks fancy. And complicated.
You are a very helpful person! 

I will be working more on small, standalone mechanics. I've learned a lot from smaller, 'lab work' experimentation than I think I have in my jams. Feels good to learn without a deadline making me panic.

Thank you!

Fishing in RPGs is notoriously boring and I thought it would be a good, smaller project/problem to work on for practice. I do intend to work on the idea further.

The book was secretly the core of my game all along! It's the whole 'teach a man to fish' concept in RPG form.

I am absolutely considering making the sequence of actions more complex. I like the idea of a little "Simon Says" type of play here, making memory the core skill the player needs to use.

The books would tell players what to look for, and actions you might need to take, while play would depend of applying those rules and remembering what worked where and for what.

Adding some other fishermen, who might tell you fibs or honest tricks, might be an interesting aspect as well that I might add. The information would have to be fact checked in the books, giving a player some interactive complexity.

I like the idea of adding sounds and other effects as well, that could add some character to the game. 

Because everything is if statements nested into if statements on top of if statements I'm going to keep the rod and bait simple to start with.

Also needed are better goals. If X amount of fish are caught a new pond opens up with more complex fish. Some books can only be obtained by quests given to you by old fishermen. 

Many ideas on a typically frowned upon mechanic!
Thank you again for the feed back! It definitely helps!

All I want to do is play the Sims!

My reply is so late I might as well have mailed it to you. But here it is.

I ALMOST wrote the devlog about GDDs. But I haven't worked on one for really yet so I didn't have much to say.

I DID go out and buy more paper and a very cheep binder to make a GDD.

Which I haven't started yet.
I can still count that as progress though, right?

Late reply is late!
Summer is such a busy time! I haven't gotten anything done on the game in the last 7 days at all.
But I haven't stopped thinking about it. Or caring. That's what counts... Right?

That's a very good idea. A proto game with nothing fancy will definitely help get things hammered out.
I recon if I wanted to get very simple I could stick the game on one big map, but that might be culling the chaos too much. ^_^

A comic about game making for game makers?

Seriously, thank you, I will read the comic and absorb it's knowledge.

Mapping is my favorite, but I recon I'll have to save it for dessert and do the meaty bits of plotting and eventing first!

Thank you very much for the comic and advice!

A minimum number is a very good Idea. As is estimating events and puzzles and the like! I'll have to do a bit more brain storming and give my self a rough estimate for those things.
I haven't yet given a lot of thought to puzzles, but I know I'll have quite a number of key events as well as battles. I can not even fathom the bugs I'm going to run into!
I'll probably have to cut back on events and battles as well. The more cutting I do on paper I think the less frustrated I'll be when it comes time to actually make the game.
I am Using MZ, so at the very least I have layers!
Thank you much for the ideas and advice!

Thank you for the feed back! Not just here but in the forums. All of it is very helpful and I will be referencing your post here while I make my next jam games.

I've set expectations? O.o"
Well, I'm glad I've met them!
Thank you so much for the kind review!

Thank you for this wonderful, thorough review.
Many people have said the same about the final level, and should I ever update or remake this little game, or incorporate it into another game in the future, I will keep a much tighter hold of the theme's through line for all levels.

Dave and I watched the stream.
All I can say is I'm sorry I didn't have this play tested before I tossed this up.
What I keep having to learn over and over again is: play test, play test, play test. Then play test some more.
Thank you for recording this and posting it!

Yay, thank you!
I've taken the notes that the cave level was far too long in comparison to the other maps.
The dark screen ending was my brain failing to execute 'Think.exe' before the deadline. If I were ever to revisit this and fix it up I'd fix that ending first. It's really rough and unpolished. Even worse I ALMOST forgot to add Theme 6 to the start!
Again, thank you for the feed back!

Overall: I loved the look of everything.
Gameplay: I got tired of the popup fights very quickly and spammed the enter key for a while, then I just started escaping everything. And then I stopped playing because I couldn't get more than five spaces without having to do that all over again. Sadly,the fights, which look like they took you the most time to set up, turned this quickly into a DNF.
Music: I turned it down. Way down. Make of that what you will.
Story: It definitely felt like a self insert fanfic, which is fine.
Graphics: One of the best looking games of the whole jam. I think the girls were drawn with a little too much fan service, but everything else was very nice.
Comedy: It never felt funny.
If the fights hadn't interrupted me so much, and if the characters had less to fight with at the beginning I would have played a lot more of this game.

Overall: I love the idea of this game. My computer was able to run it alright after I updated a few things.
Game Play: The controls for me were confusing, and very unresponsive. This needed a tutorial, even a quick, in your face, show of buttons/actions, would have been fantastic.
Music: Was alright.. it fit the environment. Felt a little harsh though.
Story: Very jammy.
Graphics. Definitely not RTP! I liked the look of everything.
Comedy: I'm sure if any one saw me trying to play this they would have laughed.
I've never played dark souls, so all I can compare this too is Minecraft for it's 3D environmental feel, and the game was yes, 3D and had multiple directions!

Question: What percent of the 'charming jank' was me vs MZ? This is vital information for future janking endeavors.

That would have been helpful! I have old lady eyes.

The... bus?

The funnel point was my dyspraxia. XD

Music: theme six assaulted me
Graphics: lol

OK, this amused me, and I liked it, and it was fun and I have no idea what just happened!

Overall: Like others said it was cute. I think it was an interesting test of a couple of mechanical concepts for game play.
Gameplay: I liked the over world battle system, I am curious to know what you used to achieve that.
Music: Theme Six for the win! The other music was nice as well.
Story: It was very basic.
Graphics: I liked the busts, they were quaint with ought being twee.
Comedy: It wasn't super funny, but that didn't detract from the overall theme.
It was a short and sweet game.