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(2 edits) (+1)

So... there's a few things on this.

First I'll get the positives out of the way: I love this. The artstyle is great, and I actually enjoy the stills, instead of regular animations. Ive read you had some trouble in that department, but I believe you're able to get much more details on the stills whereas normally the animation might look too "different".

I also really love the characters. James is awesome, and the banter between you and the middle sister can be very charming.

But, here come the problems I have. I know the game isnt finished, so maybe these will be finished at some point:

1) Story progression doesnt always make sense, with the wrong dialogue/story playing in the end. In first playthrough I failed to go on any path (I slept with everyone except the sisters/mom), and I just ended up skipping days, until suddenly your character declares he's moving away, saying goodbye to everyone. 

On a third playthrough, I ended up with the youngest and middle sister... and after the middle one tried a wedding dress, we skipped about a 100 days and suddenly she's pregnant, and the elder sister is suddenly BACK with her asshole boyfriend (despite having broken up with him over his office adventures) before.

2) I dont have sound. Im not sure if this is by design, but its kind of disappointing to have to run background music. Fortunately the Katawa Shouju OST is good enough, but its still a missing element.

3) cant believe Im saying this but... the amount of sex is sometimes really distracting. Early on its kind of exciting when establishing some form of connection, but now I realised that anything female in this game that isnt Mrs Steele is willing (very willing) to just fuck you. The two friends of the youngest sister, I understand. They're sluts, they have kinks. But suddenly, boom, the cousin wants a piece too. Then the random bar girl. Then the bar girls mother (and even the brother if her stories are to be believed). Then the nerd's mom, the yoga instructor, etc etc.  I understand its an erotic visual novel but this kind of feels like overkill. Plus, Ive realised that almost anytime you turn someone down it kind of makes it seem like your character is an asshole for doing so.

4) it ook me 3 playthroughs to somewhat figure out what the corruption stands for, and even now it's not very clear entirely. It seems like an interesting system that could have been explored a bit more.

5) For the life of me I cant seem to figure out how to go the elder sister route. I got rid of that asshole, but after that, and the game on the beach I never interacted with her again. Not ever. I got a scene where she and the middle sister got into wrestling, but nothing else.

6) sometimes it seems the routes just... eliminate certain scenes. I didnt get the james confession during my first playthrough, so the sudden comment of a threeway with Ana kind of blindsided me. On the THIRD playthrough I DID get that scene though. I have no idea why that scene wouldnt be there. It seems like a rather important part of the story.

Anyway, Ive greatly enjoyed this so far and I hope for more content and a finished product at some point. The art is amazing, and the dialogue can be very amusing. There are some typos every now and then, but nothing that ruins the experience for me. So thanks!


Lmao, okay so... Riley just moved in, the game ACKNOWLEDGES that I met her through the job at the supermarket... yet the elder sister is still planning her wedding. I think I broke it into the 4th dimension

[edit 2]

(oldest sister): "You're not all seriously considering this are you? I have a life here. A fiancee"

Yup. 4th dimension.

Thanks for the extensive review! Really glad you enjoyed the dialog, writing is the element I enjoyed the most about developing the game.

All the points you make are certainly valid. Sounds like you hit on quite a few bugs too. I'm still fixing things on the many paths and rely a lot on player input. If you happen to have saves at various points of your playthrough, I'd be very interested in loading them to debug the game. You can reach me at if you'd like, or upload the saves to some hosting service and link them here if you want.

As for music, it's a little late to add it now, because of the sheer size of the game. My next project will have music, by the way.

I do have some save files, though they were made at random parts in my 3-4 playthroughs so I dont really know what happened where. Honestly what baffles me mostly is Riley and Elder sister. And also that the sister you're not in a relationship with kind of spills the beans on the home situation, which is odd from a story standpoint (the youngest sister hates mrs steele, and while the elder sister is very naive I doubt she would talk bad about her brother or sisters/mom like that, even with a priest).

If you dont mind my asking, the trust and corruption system: how does it work exactly? Based on what happened with the youngest sister, the corruption decides how likely it is they will be kinky with you, while trust decides if you can stick around or not? It seems to work very well with youngest/middle sister, but while the trust on elder sister is high as hell (21 or something after the breakup), it seems her corruption never rises. And the mom's stats never seem to go above 13 or so.

Also, this reminds me of another thing: Relationship (yes), relationship (dominant), and relationship (love). I reached "dominant" with middle sister (paying her small amounts of money, then opt to not do so because she talked bad, then saying you'll give her the money afterall), which then led to "relationship yes", and after the nerd thing it turned into "love". The youngest sister however NEVER had her status changed beyond "yes" no matter what I did. Is this an oversight, an unfinished idea, or another bug?

Anyway, I'll fiddle around with the game some more later. If my own guess is correct, I think sleeping with other women seems to (heavily) botch up certain story progressions, notably Ana and Alina early on.

"sister you're not in a relationship with"
?? I was in a relationship with all of them, so I'm not sure what you mean. There was no "bean spilling" in my playthrough.

I think Perverteer has said that the points system was something that he started with, but sort of abandoned later. For me, the points didn't seemed to matter much, and had little (if any) bearing on behavior - Liza was very high in both, but she was reluctant until late game anyway, and Susan was 6/2 but still fine with everything.

"I think sleeping with other women seems to (heavily) botch up certain story progressions, notably Ana and Alina early on."
I didn't find that to be the case at all. I slept with every character (including all secondary characters) with no really detrimental effects.

Im just posting what happened in my own playthrough. 

I got the elder sister to the point where she finds out the boyfriend cheating and she breaks up with him. However, after the bikinishopping I never got any further interactions with her, and the relationship status never changed from "no". While continueing the game and establishing a relationship with the other two sisters, it ended up with the elder sister doing the "confessions" while talking about her upcoming wedding (which she shouldnt have) with Brody (who was long gone by this point). During her confession she flatout tells the guy that both sisters are pregnant and theres only the brother in the picture. Then she goes "no, that couldnt be" and they have a talk about the situation. Storywise, it shouldnt make sense.

The point system, its possible that didnt do anything. Considering how its a fairly "do or dont" game (which is the case with most erotic graphic novels) I was a bit confused by it. First I thought it meant corruption = game over, but then I realised the more kinky stuff you did the higher it got, so I felt that COULD have been related. However, it never really did much with any of the decisions, so I suppose you are right on it having no effect.

As for Alina and Ana, again it's just my findings. During my first two playthroughs where I did sleep with ana and alina I never got the james confession (yet near the end he did mention they're having sex together, even if both girls are in a "relationship" with you). During the third playthrough I did NOT enter a relationship with either, and I got the James confession.

I imagine this game's story looking like a branch, and for some reason scenes that should happen, dont happen, and scenes that shouldnt happen (or even be possible) do happen. Its like, if certain events did NOT happen (like getting together with the elder sister) the game assumes you never did anything with her and she's still in her relationship. Its hard to put into words, English isn't my main language, I hope that makes some sense.

Anyway, I am kind of sad this game will only have one more update as Im a sucker for games that establish relationships (even if its porn). I think this game reached a solid 2nd place for me, right below Katawa Shouju (which is a great emotional rollercoaster) and just above the Sagara Family (which I just love for the sometimes silly writing).


Yeah... I did notice some rough spots as I mentioned in my first comment below. In my first go, Mrs. Steel was mentioned late game, and I had no idea who she was.

I guess I just got lucky with my second playthrough and had absolutely no continuity issues at all, and had success with all characters and side characters. Thx for reminding me about Katawa Shouju I don't think I ever finished it.


The trust and corruption determine whether you can progress with certain characters and how far during the early stages of the game. Along the way, the points became too abstract and I've relied on player choices from that moment on. Sisterly Lust is my first game, so there are some beginners mistakes in there for sure.

As for the relationship status for all of the girls, they can be either yes or no, except for Bella and Susan, because they have two paths. Bella has a romance and a submissive path, Susan has something similar.

Some of the errors mentioned should be fixed in the upcoming build, by the way. Also, I while I won't be releasing any new content for Sisterly Lust, I'm going to support it, so bugfix release are still to be expected after v1.0 is released in January.

Very happy to rank so high under Katawa Shoujo, by the way. ;)


even you say beginners mistake this game is Soo nice im spend hours on this I cant make ana and alina came with us and Make all the other girls come to the island kinda a bummer that stuck me almost 2 days to make it work and it still did't work and also CANT W8 FOR 26 DECEMBER... ITS FELLS LIKE A CHRISTMAS GIFT

Pervy Santa will have a present on the second day of Christmas. ;)