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Got it (I hope), you can give it another go :)


sorry took me a couple of days but I played it

First of all, you said it was your first real game so congrats! making something is always an accomplishment

as far as feedback for this game, I like the creepy tone throughout the whole thing, it's simple but effective

the biggest issue is the lack of direction, once you hear the grandma tell you what she needs it becomes a lot more obvious what you're supposed to be looking for but outside of that it can be tricky to figure out where you need to go and which object is now interactable 

overall it was still a fun experience and I hope you keep developing

yeah, I totally noticed that, but other than looking for the stuff and so, the game has nothing really to do. I know it's just lazy game making, and I will for sure actually plan how to hint players towards objectives in the future. Thanks a lot for playing, it really means a lot :)))


I wouldn't call it lazy game making, a lot of games are just going from point a to point b to pick an object up so you can then go to point c and get new story development, it's a game jam game after all so you can't expect for there to be too many mechanics and objectives involved

You can still have a game where you have to find the things, it's more about how you frame it to the players so they feel involved in looking for them rather than feeling like the game is holding information from them until they happen to find it

in any case, keep at it, the next one is always better than the last (usually)