Hello, can I ask a question? How do I trigger the quest on Ellanore after moving her from Ebron to the sleeping chamber in the castle? I cannot trigger the quest after talking to her in the castle, and I cannot see Rhetos in front of the clinic in Aldyn
Apparently, I broke Ellanore's event with the recent change of her dialog.
Unless you're on android, which can't get fixed without a full new update, you can unpack and replace this map file in the www/data folder of the game to fix her dialog: https://mega.nz/file/qwBBVALB#hwwVX6vyJAo2i1F2bMNHkwAAgXtmORgu2WAFIR4HR70
After applying the fix, talk with her at the sleeping chambers again, and then Rhetos should appear in front of the clinic.
Sorry for the troubles.
Thank you for your reply, but can I have say another problem I found after finishing the main quest? I had the last quest to use the sparkling book found in the bedroom, but I cannot use the time phase, and I found another problem: I cannot trigger the kippy event after seeing her on Lalizan and Kagabanui and finishing the puzzle on Black Lair. Did I miss some parts?