This is perfect, thank you so much for the feedback! I was waiting for this haha
Next episode is coming along well, the 1st draft dialogue is finished (1066 unique lines) and I just implemented the first and most difficult activity, which is a board game. It still needs the rest of the dialogue programmed, some backgrounds made, and one new character added. I actually do have a mechanic in the works for a phone number system, it's an app called EmojiBlast. I'm not great at programming, so I figured this would work by sending an emoji to them and they reply depending on their mood, friendship, and relationship status. First test of this is pretty fun, but needs a bit of tweaking. Images can also be sent in this app, but it will depend on the character how racy they are. I originally planned to have your character ask for their number, but that was a while ago and now all the characters have usernames, so I could use those instead. *SUPER early, I wasn't gonna show it in this state, but here's a concept of EmojiBlast-
Some of those are a little... much haha
Sorry about the clothing thing! I will definitely write a note to make that more clear. I have trouble sometimes knowing what is clear and what isn't since I've played this damn thing so much haha I'll definitely try to see what I can do with that, especially as I introduce more rare clothing, I don't want anyone accidently overwriting stuff. The guide is kind of a nightmare, and I'm hoping to make it more clear. The items are a little weird right now, still deciding exactly how I want them to work. Right now, they add minor boosters that will increase things like mood, stats, style, stuff like that. I might make these more visual when you open the "M" menu so you can see what is actually applied, but it's pretty early right now. Will definitely make a note to implement that too! I kinda just pushed this thing out D: I think beer does increase confidence, but I can't remember xD I'm sorry haha
Early on, I had an idea to make an on the fly guide where a little Tyler icon would appear when you press "M" or something. Then, when you left clicked on anything, she would explain what it did and how to use it. I'm working with a few ideas right now for playability, and now that I understand optimization more, I think I could make this work-
I love that idea about the dialogue feature! I originally had a plan to do something like that, but I think I forgot to add it haha I bet I could add something back in, I'll try and come up with some ideas. I love the idea. Originally, each character had three secrets that you could learn through dialogue with other characters, and then you could discuss these secrets with the characters during their "Personal" conversations. However, each "Secret" had five possible lines of dialogue, and I felt like sometimes I didn't have the best idea for these and they were lame as hell. To add onto that, some of the secrets felt like you were cornering the character, which wasn't really the vibe I was going for, so I decided to change it to more of an open topic conversation. I'll brainstorm this though, I bet I could throw something in!
I really appreciate the feedback, and I'm glad you enjoy the game! I apologize for the lack of content, I got a bit in over my head. My hope is that content will start coming more quickly now that I've built the infrastructure, but it's tough because I won't have as much time to dedicate to this thing soon. I have massive bios written for each character with information that probably won't even be released to help me write them all more authentically, and some of my favorite characters haven't even been shown yet, except for in the picture with all them in it. Again, thank you for the feedback, I appreciate it! If you think of anything else, just let me know.