Hi some questions on your really intriguing game...
#1, I draw 3 cards on my turn and pick one. Do I discard the other two?
#2 Masterwork items are a bit confusing to me... maybe you could give a couple examples on how they work, like what value do I apply for the +/-? Do I decide? What "wrap around" means. I think I understand how to create one... a roll result of 7, 12, 12 on Bronze or 2, 2, 2 on Gold or 2, 7, 12 on Copper?
#3, if I already have 3 projects shelved and I can't complete a 4th, what then? Do I just discard and move on to the next day?
#4, hopefully I have this right... so when I complete a project, I take the number value on that card and subtract it from a card on my client list? So if I have a 7 as a client, if I complete two projects... 2 & 5, I can use those to satisfy that client?
Thanks in advance :)