Bug time! Now I'm not sure if this is a bug due to me having lost my internet foe a bit but sometimes the shop glitches out and only shows 2 tiles to pick from, and re rolling it uses a big chunk of money even though it says it's 2 dollars. Not sure if these are related or not, and I am unsure if they were caused via my internet. Also the game did crash once, if it crashes again I'll copy the crash message.
I've got a few things I'd like to ask if it's alright.
1, will you be adding in any new features? Such as a way to thin your deck.
2, I have some suggestions for new features that could be added, one being packs like Balatro as clearly this game takes some inspiration from Balatro. The packs could be 2 different packs, the first being a pack that focuses on terrain pieces, higher chance of double terrain (That being the same terrain piece on a tile), a bit higher chance for the special effects to be added. The second one would be a building pack which would cost more but it will always have at least 1 double building piece. There could also be different size packs that cost more or less depending on how many tiles are offered and how many you can pick.
3, I love this game a lot, it's really fun and I enjoy it so damn much. Keep up the good work and just know that you will always have me as a fan of this game.